An illuminative evaluation of curricular change at a college of education
Dachs, Terence Edward
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This study attempts an illuminative evaluation of curriculum
innovation at the Johannesburg College of Education in 1930-1.
A rationale for an illuminative evaluation approach is provided
and this model is contrasted with other evaluation models,
particularly the objectives model of the psycho-statistical paradigm.
The existing curriculum of the College is described, the design of
the research described, and the locus of decision-making power at
the College analysed. The procedures adopted by the Curriculum
Evaluation Committee are described and their proposals for a new
curriculum presented. Reactions of participants to these proposals and
to the procedures adopted by the committee are described and analysed.
Beliefs concerning the locus of real decision-making power in the
College and the causes for difficulties with the present curriculum
are described. An attempt is made at analysing the difficulties of
curriculum innovation and a typology of responses is suggested.
Finally, a value for this study is suggested.