The institutional nature of U.S. hegemony: post 9/11
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Kromah, Lamii Moivi
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A fragmented world of competing states is potentially very unstable. As rival states
challenge each other militarily, the outcome will likely generate a very uneven
distribution of power. For many observers, the political solidarity and economic
prosperity in the post-second world war world would not have been as great without
United States (US) leadership. The hegemonic project involves using political and
economic advantages gained in a world war to restructure the operation of the world
market and interstate system in the hegemon's own image.
The United States took the lead in opening markets, protecting allies, and promoting the
stability of the non-communist world. Because of this great accomplishment, many
people worry about the waning of American global leadership and the seeming
unwillingness or inability of other states to step into the role. This research report will
aim to provide evidence U.S. Hegemony is nothing to fear because since the end of
World War II (WWII). U.S. hegemony has developed a system of complex
interdependence that has immensely benefited the core states and the periphery. The
security community that was fostered under U.S. hegemony will be the major factor in
reducing the chances of great power war and also increasing the chances of peaceful
conflict resolution.