The participation of informal settlement communities in city-level policy-making processes in Johannesburg
Mohamed, Salah Eddin Elzein
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This study aims at exploring the complexity of involving informal settlement
communities in policy-making processes at city-level. The key objective is to
extend our understanding of the practice of public participation by focusing on the
involvement of one of the most disadvantaged sectors of society living on the
peripheries of contemporary cities. Many studies have dealt with the participation
of informal settlement communities in the planning, implementation and
management of localized development projects. This study explores the
involvement of these communities in making policies that not only address their
local immediate needs, but also contribute in the future development of the cities
where they live. Informal settlement communities generally experience social,
economic and spatial exclusion. The informal and/or ‘illegal’ nature of informal
settlements often hinders the involvement of their residents in local political
processes thus adding to their vulnerability and marginalization. Advancing
citizenship rights of these communities contributes to guaranteeing their inclusion
and access to what cities have to offer.
The thesis consists of two parts in addition to an introduction and a conclusion.
Part One looks at theoretical perspectives on the notion of public participation
with a focus on the participation of poor sectors of society in policy-making
processes. This part also explores various approaches to urban management and
examines the extent to which these approaches enable participation of informal
settlement communities in city-level policy making. Part One also looks at the
possibilities and limitations of informal settlement communities in policy-making
by drawing on experiences from the Municipality of São Paulo in Brazil. Part
Two of the thesis then shifts discussion to the policy and practice of public
participation in the City of Johannesburg and empirically examines the extent of
involving the informal settlement communities of one of the city’s administrative
regions in policy making processes.
The study establishes that participation in city-level policy-making processes is
very complex due to the nature of issues addressed and the multitude of actors
involved. It also shows that participatory approaches to urban management, which
seek to combat inequality and realize social justice in cities, provide an
environment conducive to the involvement of informal settlement communities in
policy-making at city level. However, to achieve successful involvement of these
communities in policy-making processes, city governments need to have the
appropriate mandate that enables them to deal with issues that matter for the
dwellers of informal settlements such as access to urban land, housing, basic
services, education and health. In addition, city governments need to be open to
and supportive of informal settlements, and have appropriate mechanisms for their
participation in policy-making. From their side, informal settlement communities
can only benefit from participatory opportunities if they have strong, well
connected community structures that seek to make their voices heard. The study
also finds that in a democratically open system, the actual practice of participation
is continuously evolving through the interplay between policy and legal
provisions and elements of micro contexts. Facilitators of this evolution are local
officials and community organisations.