From grass to plastic: The Effects of Economic Development on the Design and Production of the Traditional Swazi Grass Mat Made by Women
Patel, Ramila
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This research focuses on change and the effects of economic development on the
design and production of the traditional grass mat made by women in Swaziland.
The visual quality of the traditional Swazi grass mat has transformed. The mat
making technique remains unchanged, as does the main raw material in the
construction of the mat, but now the traditional grass is accompanied by an artificial
element: sweet wrappers, creating shimmering new designs. The technology of
making grass mats has been revolutionised with the introduction of the Imbongolo
mat-making frame. These changes represent an example of a dynamic art form in the
context of the deep-rooted tradition of Swazi material culture. Through interviews
with a number of mat-makers and a comprehensive collection of mat samples
gathered over an extended period these modifications have been recorded and
evaluated in terms of the producers’ response to economic constraints, and the
availability of new plastic materials.
Student Number : 9812661N -
MA dissertation -
School of Art -
Faculty of Humanities
swazi, grass, mat, plastic, imbongolo