Exploring aids educators` learning experinces that have had meaning for their professional and personal development.
Nieuwoudt, Karen
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AIDS educators are confronted with many challenges regarding educating
people about AIDS prevention, and fostering caring and supporting attitudes to those
already infected. The field is rich in human learning and teaching activity. This study
explored the learning of educators that has had meaning for their personal and
professional lives. The interviews were interpreted within a qualitative paradigm with
phenomenological and post-modern qualities.
The interviews revealed that the educators’ subjective personal learning in the field
relates to what they teach others about AIDS education, i. e. issues around sexuality,
greater self-awareness and acceptance, appreciating and respecting others, valuing their
life and relationships. Regarding their learning about AIDS education, all the educators
have constructed som e theory around it. They commented about the importance of
relating to the lived worlds of learners, and stressed the importance of sharing personal
learning experiences as a means to change attitudes. Adult education principles
strengthen and enhance means of AIDS education and prevention.