The mediating role of workplace spirituality on perceptions of transformational leadership, organisational commitment and employee satisfaction within a sample of South African Muslim teachers.

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Dadabhay, Muhamed

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This study evaluated the mediational role of Muslim School teachers‟ workplace spiritualty on perceptions of principal behaviour, individual job satisfaction and organisational commitment. In this regard The Meaning and Purpose at work scale of spirituality (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000) was administered, the Transformational leadership Inventory (Podsakoff et al,1990), the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (Mowday, Steers & Porter, 1979), and a measure of job satisfaction (Warr et al, 1979) to a sample of 219 Muslim School teachers‟ throughout Gauteng South Africa. Results stemming from Pearson Product Moments correlations and latent variable Structural Equation modelling were used to determine the relationships between these variables and test the mediational model. Results indicated that Muslim school teachers‟ regard their workplaces as catering to their spiritual needs, and are very satisfied and committed towards their organisation. Perceptions of WPS and leadership were found to significantly predict both job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Feelings of workplace spirituality were found to partially mediate between teachers‟ perceptions of their leader and their job satisfaction. Workplace spirituality was also found to mediate between teachers‟ perceptions of their leaders‟ behaviour and their organisational commitment. This paper concludes with the implications of these findings and directions for future research within this field.



Muslim school teachers, Workplace spirituality, Transformational leadership, Organisational commitment, Employee job satisfaction, South Africa





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