Towards rupture or stasis? An Analysis of the 1981 South African general election
Charney, Craig
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The results of the 1981 white general election in
South Africa seemed paradoxical to many observers. After
three decades in which white politics appeared dominated by
the unchallengeable hegemony of the ruling National Party,
white party politics seemed to have taken on a new turbulence
and uncertainty. The Sunday Times reported, "Nat Voters
Bolt to the Right", while the Transvaler headlined a "Leftwards
swing". Very few seats actually changed hands, yet
many commentators sensed that the election was a watershed.
The confusing aspects of the election resulted from
the play of contradictory political and social forces.
This paper contends that the old ethnic-based class alliances
which formed the basis of the white South African party
system are unravelling. Though power did not change hands,
the 1981 election traced the outline of a possible class
realignment of white political forces, with potentially
far-reaching consequences. In the aftermath, nothing seemed
to have changed, but nothing would ever be quite the same.
To illuminate the changes underway, we will begin with
a discussion of the background to the election, then skip
ahead to consider the patterns of change evident in the election
results. This is followed by an examination of survey
data to discern the emerging class division, and of how the
strategy of the parties promoted or retarded its expression.
The paper concludes with the implications of the new trends
in the white electorate for the future of white politics
in South Africa.
African Studies Seminar series. Paper presented 24 August, 1981.
Elections. South Africa, South Africa. Politics and government