Readiness for organisational change, resistance toward organisational change, behavioural support for organisational change and demographic characteristics : how they relate to a corporate social networking site change initiative.

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Borrageiro, Bonita

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Within the working environment, the attitudes and behaviours individuals display toward change are a fundamental part of whether change initiatives succeed or fail. In a growing world of computer-mediated communication, social networking sites are being incorporated into the corporate arena to better communication and functionality. Yet it still remains as a change initiative. This research report looked at whether readiness for organisational change, resistance toward organisational change and behavioural support for organisational change related to the perceptions and usage of a corporate SNS. Similarly demographic characteristics were also explored. Correlations, ANOVAs, a Chi squared, a Multiple Linear Regression and a Moderated Multiple Regression were conducted. The sample consisted of 118 participants of which, 65% were female, 59% were white, 49% were married and the 69% were under 49 years of age. The researcher found that readiness and behavioural support for organisational change related positively to the perceptions of the SNS whereas resistance to organisational change did not. Race significantly related to the perceptions of the SNS and SNS usage significantly related to the SNS uptake data categories. Conclusions and recommendations are also presented.



Organisational change, Social networking sites, Organisational communication





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