Comparison of the Kaufman Assessment Battery and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for learning disabled black and white children

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Taylor, Mandy

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This study examined the performance of black and white learning disabled South African children on the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children - Revised and Third Edition (WISCRAA/ ISC-III). The K-ABC and WISC-RAA/ISC-III were administered to 34 white children and 21 black children aged 6 to 11 years (mean 7-9 years) at private remedial schools. The mean WiSC-R/WISC-lll Full Scale IQ for blacks was 84.19 (SD = 7.41) which was significantly lower than the mean Full Scale IQ for whites which was 93.97 (SD = 11.13). The difference between their scores on the K-ABC Mental Processing Composite was not significant. For the black sample, the WiSCR/ WISC-li! Full Scale IQ was significantly lower then the K-ABC Mental Processing Composite (f= 6.9, p<.001). Additionally, the performance of the black sample on the Verbal subscale of the WISC-R/WISC-III, as well as their scores on various subtests th?' constitute the acquired learning cluster (Vocabulary and Information), were found to be significantly lower than those of the white sample. A qualitative examination of teachers’ ratings of intellectual potential suggested that the K-ABC is a more equitable measure of intelligence for black South African children. The results supported the utility of the K-ABC as a non-discriminatory instrument which may be a viable alternative to the WISC-R/WISC-III for South African children.







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