An examination of palaeo-sea surface temperatures and thier influence on Southern African palaeoclimates over the last 20000 years
Barbafiera, Mario
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The palaeoclimate of southern Africa for the last twenty thousand
years is investigated through the production of palaeoclimate maps
based on an analysis of literature and data from the ongoing PASH
project. The trends from the maps are compared with published
reviews and modelling studies of the region' s palaeoclimates, and
are contextualised in terms of global palaeoceanographic and
palaeoclimatic dynamics. The changes evident in the past climate
of southern Africa tend to mirror global climate changes, however,
evidence exists that the timing of climate changes between the two
hemispheres are not quite synchronous, and may 110tfit present
theories of global palaeoclimate dynamics,
A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, for the Degree of Master of Science
Johannesburg, 1997