The evaluation of trends and comparison analysis of the roles of directly observed treatment (DOT) supporters in TB treatment outcome at Thandukukhanya Community Health Centre from 2000-2005

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Ongole, Joven Jebio

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TB is a high burden disease (prevalence: 940/100,000 in 2006) with high morbidity and mortality in South Africa and the primary health care facilities are well position to provide primary TB care in accordance to the national TB control guidelines and achieve desired treatment outcome targets. This study followed the TB management at Thandukukhanya clinic from 2000-2005 and found among others that the number of TB cases tripled, the TB cure rate progressively declined and DOTS support dwindle over the six years. The study was motivated by 26% decline in TB cure rate at Mkhondo sub-district from 2003 – 2005 and 76% increase in TB default in the same period. The TB cure rate in 2005 was 37% compared to 85% national target. The poor treatment outcome prevails despite availability of DOTS support in the program. In addition, the number of drug resistant TB has increased in the past years and extremely drug resistant TB emerged in the past three years in South Africa


Submitted to the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 2012






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