Community Participation in the Upgrading of Informal Settlements with reference to Thembelihle and Kanana informal settlements, Johannesburg
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Nemaonzeni, Ephraim Raphalalani
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This study engages with community participation in post-apartheid South Africa, in an
attempt to discern participation approaches that might enhance development in the
upgrading of informal settlements within the Metropolitan Cities. The research attempts
to come up with an intervention strategy that incorporates participation of Community-
Based Organisations, Community leaders and society into informal settlement
interventions in South Africa. It reviews the South African framework and structures for
informal settlement community participation (including civic organisations, other
community-based organisatios, and elected statutory representation). It then examines to
what extent lessons from the International literature review 2003 study conducted by
Thabelo Nethenzheni may be relevant to the South African situation.
Student Number : 8906043R -
MSc research report -
School of Architecture and Planning -
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
community participation, post-apartheid South Africa, upgrading, informal settlements, Metropolitan Cities, Community-Based Organisations