Maintenance policies based on time-dependent repair cost limits

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Beichelt, F.
Nkadimeng, R.M.
Yadavalli, S.S.

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Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)


This paper considers two replacement policies for systems which, during their useful life, are subject to deterioration. Strategy 1: after a failure, the repair cost is estimated. If the repair cost exceeds a given limit, the system is not repaired, but replaced with a new one. So far, this policy has been analysed only for constant repair cost limits. This paper investigates the effect of applying time-dependent repair cost limits on the long-run maintenance cost rate. Examples show that, compared to the application of constant repair cost limits, a reduction of the maintenance cost rate between 5% and 10% can be expected. Strategy 2: the system is replaced as soon as the total repair costs arising during its running time exceed a given limit. Compared to the economic lifetime method, which is based on the average repair cost development and that requires the same data input, maintenance cost savings up to 20% could be achieved.



cost-benefit analysis, maintenance, policy analysis, repair


Beichelt, F.,Nkadimeng, R.M. and Yadavalli,S.S. 2006. Maintenance policies based on time-dependent repair cost limits. South African Journal of Science 102 (11/12), pp.597-600.



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