Rewritings and interpretations of Sara Baartman as explored in 19th and 20th century texts.
Joseph, Joanne
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The aim of this study is to explore the recurring reproduction of Sara
Baartman, her life and significance as set out by writers of different
epochs, racial identities, social contexts and intentions, thereby
reinforcing the particular ideologies and mindset of their time. This
study will show some of the early writings, such as that of the French
doctor Georges Cuvier’s “Extrait d’observations Faites sur le Cadavre
d’une femme connue a Paris et a Londres sous le nom de VENUS
HOTTENTOTTE” [Extracts of observations made on the Body of a
woman known in Paris and London by the name of VENUS
HOTTENTOT] (Cuvier, 1817), Zola Maseko’s documentary film “The
Life and Times of Sara Baartman” (Maseko, 1998), “Hottentot Venus”
by Barbara Chase-Riboud (Chase-Riboud, 2003) and the theatre play
“Venus” by Suzan Lori Parks (Parks, 1997), to be works that although
differing greatly in approach, are ultimately subjective re-writings of
the body and identity of Sara Baartman.