Aetiology of conjunctivitis in Sebokeng hospital neonates who received routine prophylaxis at birth against eye infection
Thomas, Cherian
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Neonatal conjunctivitis remains an important cause o f morbidity, particularly in
developing countries, despite the widespread use of antibacterial prophylaxis.
1. To establish the aetiology o f conjunctivitis among Sebokeng neonates.
2. To assess the efficacy o f the prophylaxis used at Sebokeng Hospital.
3. To propose an effective prophylaxis and treatment protocol for neonatal
ophthalmia based on the study results.
M ethod
A prospective, observational study was carried out at Sebokeng Hospital, Gauteng.
Hospital-born neonates presenting with conjunctivitis, between 0 - 3 0 days, who had
routine prophylaxis (10% Spersamide) at birth were studied. . In addition, 10 home bom
infants who did not receive prophylaxis and presented with neonatal conjunctivitis were
also studied.
The study was conducted over a 8 month period (November 1995- July 1996)
Tw o eye swabs were collected from each neonate, one for routine culture and
susceptibility tests and the other for chlamydial culture. Results were statistically
analysed using Chi-squared contingency table tests.
Mothers o f affected infants were interviewed about the course o f their pregnancy and
about possible predisposing factors for their infant’s illness.
In the 105 hospital bora infants with neonatal conjunctivitis, the commonest pathogenic
organisms isolated were Staphylococcus aureus in 23.8%, Chlamydia trachomatis in
12.4%, Neisr eria gonorrhoeae in 11.4% and Streptococcus pneumoniae in 9.5%. Gram
negative bacilli were found in a total o f 22 (20.9%) patients, the commonest being
Klebsiella pneumoniae
The incidence o f ophthalmia neonatorum was 3.66 cases per 100 live births; that o f
chlamydia 0.45 cases per 100 live births and the gonorrhoeae rate was 0.41 cases per 100
live births.
Though Spersamide (10% sulphacetamide) eye drops appeared to function adequately as
a prophylactic agent, its efficacy in treating N, gonorrhoeae. S, aureus and C trachomatis
were inadequate. An overall 96% sensitivity rate to Chloramphenicol was shown by the
commonest pathogenic organisms.
Home-born babies who did not receive any prophylaxis showed a higher rate o f
gonococcal and S. aureus infection rate (30% each) than hospital bora babies. However,
this was not statistically significant owing to the small number o f neonates in this subset
(10 neonates).
Only 25 (20%) mothers were married. A history o f vaginal discharge was present in 78%
o f mothers, 68% of whom received some form of treatment antenatally.
S. aureus emerged as the most common cause o f eye infection among Sebokeng Hospital bom
neonates followed by C. trachomatis and N . gonorrhoeae. Spersamide 10% eye drops was found
to be inadequate as a prophylatic agent against eye infection. It is recommended that it should be
replaced immediately by chloramphenicol eye drops or eye ointment. Recommendations are also
provided on the optimal management o f established neonatal conjunctivitis.