Certification in the South African tourism industry: The case of Fair Trade in Tourism
Mahony, Karin
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Internationally, certification is playing an increasing role in regulating and monitoring
tourism enterprises, and promoting responsible and sustainable tourism development.
Certification in the South African tourism industry is relatively new, with schemes
being developed to measure product quality (i.e. the Tourism Grading Council star
ratings), as well as the environmental (Heritage Environmental Rating Programme)
and social and developmental aspects of tourism development (Fair Trade in Tourism
South Africa).
Significant international literature and debate exists on the role and importance of
tourism certification. Benefits of certification accrue to enterprises themselves, to
government, to the local environment and community and to consumers. Critics of
certification however argue that there is limited market demand for certified products,
and that certification only has a marginal impact on sustainable tourism development.
This report examines the role of certification in the South African tourism industry,
utilising one certification scheme, namely Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa
(FTTSA) as a case study. FTTSA is positioned within the context of other key
tourism initiatives being pursued by government, the private sector and civil society.
The contribution of FTTSA to both the attainment of national tourism objectives as
well as individual corporate objectives is discussed. Finally, key challenges facing
FTTSA are presented.
Student Number : 8500056 -
MA research report -
School of Arts -
Faculty of Humanities
certification, tourism industry, fair trade in tourism