The effects of drugs on experimental hepatic capillariasis in mice
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Cheetham, Rosalind Frances
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In this study fourteen anthelmintic compounds were tested in white
mice for their action against Capillaria hepatica (Nematoda).
Micej inoculated with 150 embryonated C. hepatica ova, were dosed
with the drugs on days fourteen to eighteen post inoculation. The
mice were sacrificed on day twenty-eight of the experiment* The
li v e r s , where the C. hepatica ova are deposited, were deep-frozen
at -7Q°C to kill the eggs, and the number of eggs per gram of
liver was subsequently determined by means of the McMaster chamber
counting technique.
Of the anthelmintics tested, four prevented the deposition of
G» hepatica ova in mouse liver at low dose-level^. These were:
albendazole, 30.0 mg/kg; febantel, 30.0 mg/kg; mebendazole,
3.13 mg/kgj and oxfendazole, 12.5 mg/kg. Of these, mebendazole is
the only ons at present marketed locally for human use, and the
total dose administered is within the recommended dose range.
Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the effects of
these drugs on C. hepatica w o r m s .
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of
the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfillment of the requirements
for the Degree of Master of Science.
Johannesburg 1984