The distribution of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Savanna regions of Nylsvley Nature Reserve in relation to soil fertility factors
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Dames, Joanna Felicity
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The vegetation of the Nylsvley Nature Reserve situated in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa.
is a semi·arid savanna dominated by Burkea qfricana and Eragrostis paUensf interspersed with
patches of Acacia s_pp.and E, ie/t(lnumni(.ma. The Butkea savanna is established on soil which is
naturally low in phosphorus while the A,,;acia savanna is established on soU with higber phosphorus
levels. Spnres of vesictdar~arbusculat mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi Were extracted from soil samples
by wet 8i:¢ving and sucrose ("mttifugation after which they.· were enumerated .and identified.
Thirteen VAM species were isolated from the savanna regions. The population was composed of
three Gloltlus spp .• four .4cQulosp()ra spp., one .Gigaspora sp., three Scutel!ispora spp. and tWQ
species of uncertain identity. Root samples were cleated. and stained with acidic glycerol·tcypan
blue and assessed for mycoufMal colonization.
Significant positive correlations were indicated. between spore densities ar.d mycorrhizal root
infection. The total 81)01:'e popUlation was negntively correlated wiUlavailuble P, organic C, K. Ca.
Mg, and pH. ~'tldividual specles differed markedly from the population as a whole in their bltemctions with.,soil facrots, these wem. examined using linear regressions. The VA;M root
colonization as assessed b)! the mycorrhizal % WassigIlfijcant!y negativr1v: (forrelated with P white.
the frequency % was. negatively correlated. Wilh P and K. .The inter-relatidhs!;tips 'between the
d.ifferentVA1\i ,species and enviro~~eiita1 factors were further explored using prinCipal com'ponent
ana,lyt;ls. the population structure and the factors affecting the population ate discussed.
..bltemctions with.,soil facrots, these wem. examined using linear regressions. The VA;M root
colonization as assessed b)! the mycorrhizal % WassigIlfijcant!y negativr1v: (forrelated with P white.
the frequency % was. negatively correlated. Wilh P and K. .The inter-relatidhs!;tips 'between the
d.ifferentVA1\i ,species and enviro~~eiita1 factors were further explored using prinCipal com'ponent
ana,lyt;ls. the population structure and the factors affecting the population ate discussed.
Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Science, School of Botany, 1991
Dames, Joanna Felicity (1991) The distribution of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Savanna regions of Nylsvley Nature Reserve in relation to soil fertility factors, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,<>