The effects of locus of control on the relationship between organisational climate and job satisfaction, life satisfaction and self-esteem in a call centre.

dc.contributor.authorDladla, Thandi
dc.description.abstractThe 21st century is characterised by a rapid technologically advancing environment, where organisations constantly change to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. The use of call centres in organisations has been in line with this technological advancement. South African organisations have not been an exception as they also have experienced the growth in call centres in the past few decades. Some of the benefits the business gains from the use of call centres include cutting costs and increased profits. However benefits to individuals working in call centres is not that obvious. Call centres have been labelled with such nicknames as electronic Sweatshops as they are characterised by poor working conditions, as individuals have to perform extremely routine tasks under extreme surveillance and harsh performance management systems. Such an environment has implications for the well being of individuals working in them. Previous research has indicated a relationship between organisational climate and employee well being. While this environment is viewed as toxic individuals continuously enter into it and some prosper than other, which brings into question whether the amount of control an individual perceives to have over his/her environment has any effect on their perception of the organisational climate. The main aim here is that work can be redesigned to benefit both the organisation and employees’ needs in the workplace. Therefore the aim of the current study is to investigate the organisational climate apparent in call centres, also looking at the relationship this construct has with Job Satisfaction, Life satisfaction and self esteem for call centre agents. The current research will also look at whether Locus of Control has an effect on this relationship. The findings of this research prove invaluable in its attempt to create awareness of the nature of work activities and quality of work life of call centre agents. The sample consisted of 97 call centre agents working in Johannesburg, South Africa. The results indicate there is a strong positive relationship between organisational climate including its subscales and Job Satisfaction, a weak and positive relationship between organisational climate and its subscale and Life satisfaction, while there was no observed relationship between organisational climate and self esteem. Furthermore the results indicated that Locus of Control does not moderate the relationship between organisational climate and job satisfaction, life satisfaction and self esteem.en
dc.subjectLocus of controlen
dc.subjectOrganisational climateen
dc.subjectJob satisfactionen
dc.subjectLife satisfactionen
dc.subjectCall centreen
dc.titleThe effects of locus of control on the relationship between organisational climate and job satisfaction, life satisfaction and self-esteem in a call centre.en
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