Faculty of Health Sciences
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Item Zinc oxide-eugenol and calcium hydroxide pulpectomies in baboon primary molars: histological responses(2004) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Duggal, M.; Parak, R.; et alAIM: To compare histological responses to zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) and calcium hydroxide (CH) pulpectomies in primary molar teeth with inflamed pulps. STUDY DESIGN:This was an experimental study in 17 juvenile baboons (Papio ursinus). METHODS: Pulpitis was induced with fresh human carious dentine or Streptococcus mutans placed into occlusal cavities in 78 primary molars; after 14 days a pulpectomy was performed on the same primary molars with the two root fillings randomly allocated. The root canal openings were then covered with IRM and the cavity filled with amalgam. After 90 days specimens were harvested and examined under the light microscope with the examiner blind to the treatment. RESULTS:Reaction frequencies in the ZOE-treated versus CH-treated teeth were: no recognisable pulp 89% and 82%, internal root resorption 0% and 1%, external root resorption 11% and 24%, presence of bacteria 5% and 18%, periapical abscesses 24% and 52%. STATISTICS:Fisher's exact probability test showed a statistically significant higher prevalence of periapical abscesses in the CH-treated group (P=0.03, relative risk 2.2). CONCLUSIONS: ZOE pulpectomy is preferred to CH for the treatment of infected pulps in primary molarsItem Pulpitis induction in baboon primary teeth using carious dentine Streptococcus mutans(2004) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Duggal, M.; Parak, R.; et alThe objective of this equivalency study was to see if a colony of Streptococcus mutans placed into cavities in primary molar teeth produced pulpitis similar to an established pulpitis induction method using carious dentine. In two juvenile baboons (Papio ursinus), occlusal cavities were cut in all 16 primary molar teeth, followed by making a small pulpal exposure after which the cavity was swabbed with 37 per cent phosphoric acid. In one half of the teeth, fresh soft human carious dentine was placed over the pulpal exposure; in the remaining teeth the exposure was covered with a colony of Streptococcus mutans in agar. All the cavities were restored with unlined light-cured composite resin. After 14 days specimens were harvested and examined under the light microscope with the examiner blind to the induction method. In both groups of teeth there was recognisable pulp, hyperaemia, micro-abscesses in the pulp and peri-apical abscesses. Reactions to soft caries were more severe than to Streptococcus mutans. The results show that Streptococcus mutans placed in a cavity with an exposure produces comparable pulpitis to fresh soft human carious dentine in the same type of cavity and that both methods produce pulpitis suitable for testing pulpotomy or pulpectomy treatments.