Faculty of Health Sciences

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    How to set about a research project
    (1986) Cleaton-Jones, P.
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    Writing a research report, dissertation or thesis
    (1986) Cleaton-Jones, P.
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    Social class and dental caries in 11-12-year-old South African schoolchildren
    (1989) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Hargreaves, J. A.; Williams, S. D. L.; et al.
    The objective of this study was to examine effects of social class on dental caries in five African populations. Definitions of social class that could be used for the different ethnic groups are outlined. A total of 1 154 children from rural black, urban black, urban Indian, urban coloured and urban white groups were clinically examined and classified into social class by parental occupations. Within group comparisons showed no statistically significant differences in DMFT or DMFS scores by social class. Comparison of the urban white children to a similar group in South Wales showed slightly lower caries in South African children of similar social class. The complexity of the different ethnic groups in South Africa, in respect of social classification, is difficult to assess for comparison with social systems in developed countries. It is recommended that an appropriate social classification be developed for South Africa ’s developed/developing population mixture. Also as we enter the 1990’s sound baseline caries data need to be collected for longitudinal evaluation of changes in the disease pattern
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    Intercellular junctions in the attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops)
    (1979) Grossman, E. S.; Austin, J. C.; Cleaton-Jones, P.
    This study was undertaken to determine the distribution of hemidesmosomes on the basal cell membranes adjacent to the basement lamina and the spinous cell membranes on unloaded keratinized AG and non- keratinized AM.
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    Ultrastructural features of exfoliating surface cells in keratinised and non-keratinised oral mucosa
    (1979) Austin, J. C.; Grossman, E. S.; Cleaton-Jones, P.
    Healthy keratinised and non-keratinised oral mucosa (attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa) were obtained from 6 adult vervet monkeys, fixed in situ by simultaneous perfusion and immersion fixation using cacodylate buffered 2,5% glutaraldehyde and prepared for examination by SEM and TEM.
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    Depth and area of dental erosions, and dental caries, in bulimic women
    (Sage Pub, 1989) Jones, R. R. H.; Cleaton-Jones, P.
    Dental caries and the severity (depth) and area of erosions of tooth substance were studied in 11 bulimic subjects and 22 matched controls. Erosions were seen in 69% of the bulimics' teeth and in only 7% of the controls' (p less than 0.001). Depth of penetration was greater in the bulimics, extending even into the pulp, and the area of erosion was also larger. Scores for dental caries were higher in bulimics (mean DMFS 27.9, median 36) than in controls (mean DMFS 19.1, median 13.5), although the difference was not statistically significant. This study suggests that when erosions are present on the lingual surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth, as well as on the buccal surfaces of maxillary canines, premolars, and maxillary incisors, a diagnosis of bulimia is likely. Patients with these signs should be referred for medical help.
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    Mitotic activity in the oral epithelium of the albino rat
    (1976) Cleaton-Jones, P.
    In groups of Wistar rats 3 and 12 months of age, colchicine and radioautography were used to assess mitotic activity in oral epitheliums. Apparent mitotic activity in the epitheliums of the cheek, hard palate, and central, intermediate, and lateral zones of the soft palate depended on the method used and the age of the rat.
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    Radioautographic study of mesenchymal cell activity in the secondary palate of the rat
    (1976) Cleaton-Jones, P.
    Fifteen µCi of ³H-thymidine was injected into the amniotic cavity of fetal rats from day 15 to 19 postinsemination. Analysis of radioautographs from these rats did not show increased mesenchymal cell activity to be responsible for medial rotation of the palatal shelves. Variations in cell activity in the older fetuses were mainly due to developing bone and glands.
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    Hard tissue barrier formation in pulpotomized monkey teeth capped with cyanoacrylate or calcium hydroxide for 10 and 60 minutes
    (1987) Cvek, M.; Granath, L.; Cleaton-Jones, P.; Et al
    Monkey incisor teeth were pulpotomized in groups of 10. After physiological hemostasis, the pulps of group I were covered with isobutyl cyanoacrylate, and those of groups II and III with calcium hydroxide for 10 and 60 minutes, respectively, whereafter this compound was washed away and the wound surfaces covered with Teflon. In group IV, calcium hydroxide was used as a positive control, and Teflon as a negative control in group V. The animals were killed after 12 weeks and the teeth removed in tissue blocks. The material was processed and evaluated histologically with respect to location and continuity of a hard tissue barrier, type of newly formed hard tissue, state of the pulp, and presence of stainable bacteria in the coronal cavity. Seven of nine teeth in group I showed a hard tissue barrier. The corresponding figure for group II was eight out of 10 teeth. All teeth in groups III and IV had a barrier. The incidence of a continuous barrier increased from group I through group IV, as did the incidence of its location below the level of the original wound surface. The condition of the pulp was related to the presence of bacteria and the continuity of the barrier to the presence of inflammation. There was no bridging in group V. The results support the theory that a low-grade irritation is responsible for the formation of a hard tissue barrier in exposed pulps.