Nicola Cloete: Preprint papers

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Pre-print copies As with all peer review processes, the manuscripts undergo significant review and change. Material here is presented to provide an example of the research Dr Cloete conduct. Links to the peer- reviewed publication versions are included where available. Conference papers are in process of development and revision for submission as journal articles. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Records are : Nicola Cloete (2021) Digestible Memories in South Africa’s Recent Past: processing the Slave Lodge Museum and the Memorial to the Enslaved, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 27:12, 1230-1244, DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2021.1950030 Nicola Cloete (2022). “I love, you fear, we leave” – the representations of emotion and migrancy in the work of Berni Searle. In The Figure of the Migrant and Representations of Migration in the Arts and Literature. Edited by Rédouane Abouddahab and Siobhan Brownlie Routledge, New York. pp 110-126 Nicola Cloete (2017) The Politics of Unspeakability in Yvette Christiansë's Unconfessed, South African Historical Journal, 69:1, 70-81, DOI: 10.1080/02582473.2016.1259349 and are in the recorded in the pre=prints. In addition Cloete, Nicola & Somma, Donatoi(2018) Neri Bianchi ‘The White Blacks’ and the reach of the European racial imagination”, Conference paper, Resignifications: The Black Mediterranean, University of Palermo, Italy