Research Outputs (Education)
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Item Language and the design of texts.(2005-12) Janks, HilaryBy demonstrating lexical and grammatical analysis – the rough work that underpins critical discourse analysis – this paper demonstrates the importance of grammatical knowledge for the critical reading of texts. It also provides readers with a grammar rubric for working systematically with the linguistic analysis of texts and argues that Fairclough’s model enables teachers and students to move beyond text analysis to an examination of texts in contexts.Item Critical discourse analysis as a research tool.(1997) Janks, HilaryItem Teaching direct and reported speech from a critical language awareness (CLA) perspective.(1998) Wilkinson, Lynda; Janks, HilaryItem Reading Womanpower.(1998) Janks, HilaryItem Critical literacy: Beyond reason.(2002) Janks, HilaryIn this paper, I argue that critical literacy is essentially a rationalist activity that does not sufficiently address the non-rational investments that readers bring with them to texts and tasks. I begin by looking at playful advertising texts that work with humans and the transgressive in order to consider the role of pleasure rather than reason. Then I examine the force of powerful identifications in relation to reason to show that educational inventions cannot ignore them. Finally, I tentatively suggest that we may need to find ways to combine socio-cultural and psycho-analytic theory in order to imagine new directions for pedagogy in the critical literacy classroom.Item (Un)reliable assessment : A case study.(2003-03) Reed, Yvonne; Granville, Stella; Janks, Hilary; Makoe, Pinky; Steyn, Pippa; Van Zyl, Susan; Samuel, MichaelThe drive towards quality assurance at South African universities, with 'consistency' of approach being one of its key features, has profound implications for assessment policies and practices in relation to equity. In this article we present a case study discussion of an investigation we undertook, as a department, into certain anomalies which arose in the assessment of a particular group of post-graduate students' research reports. We were puzzled by the variability in the marks awarded by three different markers of the same reports and set out to investigate what factors were producing this 'inter-marker [un]reliability'. Through a content and discourse analysis of the different assessors' written reports, we uncovered the implicit assessment categories and criteria which assessors were working with in their assessments. We discovered shared categories and criteria, as well as differences in how these were weighted. In the interests of equity and increased inter-marker reliability, we have developed a set of banded criteria on generic features of the research report which we intend to develop a set of banded criteria on generic features of the research report which we intend to trial. We also surfaced two unresolved issues: the use of language and the role of the writer's 'voice' in the research report. As a result of this investigation, we argue that the 'consistency' of assessment within and across universities aspired to by quality assurers (such as the HEQC in the South African context) is difficult to achieve and much still depends on professional judgement, intellectual position and personal taste.Item The access paradox.(2004) Janks, HilaryBecause English is a dominant world language, access to English provides students with ‘linguistic capital’. Bourdieu’s theory of the linguistic market (1991) has important consequences for the teaching of a powerful language such as English. English teachers, who take issues of language, power and identity seriously, confront the following irresolvable contradiction. If you provide more people with access to the dominant variety of the dominant language, you contribute to perpetuating and increasing its dominance. If, on the other hand, you deny students access, you perpetuate their marginalisation in a society that continues to recognise this language as a mark of distinction. You also deny them access to the extensive resources available in that language; resources which have developed as a consequence of the language's dominance. This contradiction is what Lodge (1997) calls the ‘access paradox’. This paper explores ways of working inside the contradiction by examining language in education policy in South Africa as well as classroom materials and classroom practices. It shows the importance of counterbalancing access with an understanding of linguistic hegemony, diversity as a productive resource, and the way in which ‘design’ can be enriched by linguistic and cultural hybridity.Item Deconstruction and reconstruction: Diversity as a productive resource.(2005-03) Janks, HilaryThis article uses critical discourse to show that a series of advertisements by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees are premised on a discourse of sameness that constructs difference negatively. This article moves from deconstructing these advertisements to possibilities for reconstruction that show difference as a positive and productive resource.Item Reconciliation pedagogy, identity and community funds of knowledge: Border work in South African classrooms.(2007) Janks, Hilary; Ferreira, AnaThis article is based on a South African research project in which teachers and educational researchers pool their resources to explore ways of teaching reconciliation in desegregated English and Art classrooms ten years after independence. One of significant findings of this research was that positioning students as agentive researchers of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission served as a catalyst for their engagement with their histories. There is evidence that for some of the students their investigations of their varied communities’ funds of knowledge had effects on their own identity locations in relation to those of their classmates. Bringing their different knowledges into the classroom created spaces for borderwork (G. Anzaldúa, 1999. Borderlands/La Frontera: The new mestiza) and the remapping of their identities in relation to one another.Item The politics of citation: An analysis of doctoral theses across the disciplines(2013) Afful, Joseph Benjamin Archibald; Janks, HilaryCitation is used as a measure to rank academics and institutions on the assumption that the more one is cited, the greater the impact of one’s research. For this reason, citations in high impact journals that appear on highly regarded scientific indices are favoured as sites for publishing one’s work. There can be no doubt that citation in the academy is a politicized practice. In acquiring advanced academic literacy, students have to master the art of positioning themselves in relation to the work of others, so that they develop their own ‘scholarly identity’. Drawing on insights from sociology of knowledge, information science, and critical discourse analysis, in this paper, we examine the reference lists of ten doctoral theses, from three disciplines – Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Literature, and Sociology – in a leading South African university. Four parameters: (1) authorship (2) type of source (3) place of publication and (4) date of publication are used as means of understanding differences in relation to knowledge construction across the different disciplines. The analysis of the reference lists shows that they are a highly politicized discursive site marked by particular values, alliances, allegiances, and dominant forms that are privileged. The findings from this study have important implications for advanced academic literacy, disciplinary discourse studies at doctoral level, and postgraduate supervision.