Research Outputs (Oral Health Sciences)

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    Is true caries diagnosis possible as we approach 2000?
    (1998) Grossman, E. S.; Hargreaves, J. A.; Cleaton-Jones, P. E.; et al.
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    Permanent denition caries in KwaZulu and Namibia 11-year-olds
    (1990) Hargreaves, J. A.; Cleaton-Jones, P.; Matejka, J.; et al
    The permanent dentitions of 11-year-old children in Namibia (n = 295) and KwaZulu (n = 308) living in rural and urban areas were examined using WHO caries diagnostic criteria. In low fluoride areas (less than 0.15 ppmF) significantly more caries was present in rural compared to urban KwaZulu but the prevalences in rural and urban Namibia were similar although significantly higher than in an area with 1.56ppmF in the drinking water. There was significantly more caries in rural Namibia than KwaZulu but the urban prevalences in both regions were similar. It is suggested that the urban findings are useful predictors for the needs of 11-year-old black children but local baseline surveys should be undertaken before considering dental programmes, treatment or preventive, for different rural communities in South Africa.
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    Comparison of three fluorosis indices in a Namibian community with twice optimum fluoride in the drinking water
    (1990) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Hargreaves, J. A.
    In Otjiwarongo, a town in Namibia with twice the optimum fluoride in the drinking water (1.56 ppm) the Dean (Dean, Arnold and Elvove, 1942), Thylstrup and Fejerskov (Thylstrup and Fejerskov, 1978) and TSIF (Horowitz et al, 1984) indices of fluorosis were compared in permanent teeth of the children aged 11 y living in the region. Fluorosis severety was skewed in all instances to lower scores within each index. With the Thylstrup and Fejerskov and TSIF indices it was possible to compare fluorosis by individual teeth; the former was significantly more sensitive in diagnosis (56 per cent vs 50 per cent prevalence). It is recommended that the aims of a fluorosis investigation be carefully detailed before selecting the fluorosis index to be used. If detailed information on individual teeth related to fluoride ingestion is needed the Thylstrup and Fejerskov index is recommended, especially in areas with raised fluoride intakes where it is anticipated that the fluorosis levels will be mainly in the low levels of severity
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    Examiner performance with visual, probing and FOTI caries diagnosis in the primary dentition
    (2001) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Daya, N.; Hargreaves, J. A.; et al.
    To compare clinical reproducibility of dental caries diagnosis in the primary dentition under field conditions, a convenience sample of 5-year-old children in a nursery school in Germiston, was examined for dental caries by four dentists using visual (mirror), visual plus tactile (mirror plus probe) and fibre-optic transillumination (FOTI) methods. Seventeen children were examined on day one and 11 re-examined on day two. Inter-examiner agreement was high, above 90%. Visual examination on its own is comparable with the traditional visual plus tactile method and to FOTI under field conditions. New caries data collected by visual diagnosis alone may, reasonably, be compared with historical data diagnosed with visual + tactile examination.
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    Use of DI-S and CPITN as predictors in dental caries studies in the primary dentition
    (1991) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Hargreaves, J. A.; Beere, D.; et al.
    The DI-S (simplified oral debris index), CPITN (Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs) and dmfs (dental caries experience in the primary dentition were recorded in 395 5-year-old black children living in rural and urban areas of Southern Africa. The DI-S and CPITN were grouped, independently and together, to examine their use as simple field methods of predicting dental caries. For each grouping the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictor values were calculated. A CPITN grouping of 0 or of two or more sextants with bleeding, provided the most convenient specificity, sensitivity and predictor values. It is recommended that this simple method should now be used in prospective studies of caries activity.