Research Outputs (Oral Health Sciences)

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    Zinc oxide-eugenol and calcium hydroxide pulpectomies in baboon primary molars: histological responses
    (2004) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Duggal, M.; Parak, R.; et al
    AIM: To compare histological responses to zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) and calcium hydroxide (CH) pulpectomies in primary molar teeth with inflamed pulps. STUDY DESIGN:This was an experimental study in 17 juvenile baboons (Papio ursinus). METHODS: Pulpitis was induced with fresh human carious dentine or Streptococcus mutans placed into occlusal cavities in 78 primary molars; after 14 days a pulpectomy was performed on the same primary molars with the two root fillings randomly allocated. The root canal openings were then covered with IRM and the cavity filled with amalgam. After 90 days specimens were harvested and examined under the light microscope with the examiner blind to the treatment. RESULTS:Reaction frequencies in the ZOE-treated versus CH-treated teeth were: no recognisable pulp 89% and 82%, internal root resorption 0% and 1%, external root resorption 11% and 24%, presence of bacteria 5% and 18%, periapical abscesses 24% and 52%. STATISTICS:Fisher's exact probability test showed a statistically significant higher prevalence of periapical abscesses in the CH-treated group (P=0.03, relative risk 2.2). CONCLUSIONS: ZOE pulpectomy is preferred to CH for the treatment of infected pulps in primary molars
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    Ferric sulphate and formocresol pulpotomies in baboon primary molars: histological responses
    (2002) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Duggal, M.; Parak, R.; Et al
    Aim: To compare pulpal reactions to ferric sulphate and formocresol pulpotomies in primary molar teeth with inflamed pulps. Study design: An experimental study in 15 juvenile baboons (Papio ursinus). Materials and methods: Pulpitis was induced with fresh human carious dentine or Streptococcus mutans placed into occlusal cavities in 57 primary molars; after 14 days a pulpotomy was performed on the same primary molars with the two pulp medicaments randomly allocated; the pulp was covered with IRM and the cavity filled with amalgam. After 90 days specimens were harvested and examined under the light microscope with the examiner blind to the treatment. Results: Reaction frequencies in the ferric sulphate-treated and formocresol-treated teeth were: recognisable pulp 52% and 50%, dentine bridges 16% and 12%, internal root resorption 12% and 4%, external resorption 28% and 31%, bacteria 12% and 23%, peri-apical abscesses 32% and 38%. Statistics: Fisher’s exact probability test showed no statistically significant differences between reaction frequencies in the two treatment groups. Conclusion: A pulpotomy in a primary tooth may be clinically successful in the presence of adverse histological reactions.
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    Social class, parents' education and dental caries in 3- to 5-year-old children
    (1990) Chosack, A.; Cleaton-Jones, P.; Matejka, J.; et al
    The caries prevalence of 1273-, 4- and 5-y-old white children was determined with mirror and probe under natural light at mother and child clinics. The social class of the family, the educational level of the mother and that of the father were determined from a questionnaire filled in by the accompanying adult at the time of examination. Both social class and parent's education had a statistically significant influence on the caries prevalence: those in the lower social classes and with parents without tertiary education had a much higher prevalence of caries
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    Epidemiological profile of graduates of the Wits Dental Faculty 1927 - 1995
    (1996) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Volchansky, A.; Copland, L.
    The Wits dental school was first proposed in 1921 but had no premises until a private dental clinic was taken over in 1924 by the University, the same year that the Bachelor of Dental Surgery regulations were agreed to. In 1925 the first dental students registered and a year later, in 1926, the first seven lecturers in dental surgery were appointed. Since the first two graduates in 1927, 1916 dentists have graduated from the school as have 63 oral hygienists. Of the dentists 116 are female and 127 are black, Chinese, coloured or Indian. Regarding postgraduate qualifications, 346 have been awarded by the University on behalf of the dental school. This paper describes patterns in numbers of graduates, proportions registered in South Africa and contrasts registered South African dental school graduates with registered graduates from outside the country. It is clear that the Wits dental school has made a major contribution to South African society.
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    Dental caries in 11-year-old Indians in four religious groups
    (1990) Dockrat, M.; Cleaton-Jones, P.
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    Permanent denition caries in KwaZulu and Namibia 11-year-olds
    (1990) Hargreaves, J. A.; Cleaton-Jones, P.; Matejka, J.; et al
    The permanent dentitions of 11-year-old children in Namibia (n = 295) and KwaZulu (n = 308) living in rural and urban areas were examined using WHO caries diagnostic criteria. In low fluoride areas (less than 0.15 ppmF) significantly more caries was present in rural compared to urban KwaZulu but the prevalences in rural and urban Namibia were similar although significantly higher than in an area with 1.56ppmF in the drinking water. There was significantly more caries in rural Namibia than KwaZulu but the urban prevalences in both regions were similar. It is suggested that the urban findings are useful predictors for the needs of 11-year-old black children but local baseline surveys should be undertaken before considering dental programmes, treatment or preventive, for different rural communities in South Africa.
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    Comparison of three fluorosis indices in a Namibian community with twice optimum fluoride in the drinking water
    (1990) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Hargreaves, J. A.
    In Otjiwarongo, a town in Namibia with twice the optimum fluoride in the drinking water (1.56 ppm) the Dean (Dean, Arnold and Elvove, 1942), Thylstrup and Fejerskov (Thylstrup and Fejerskov, 1978) and TSIF (Horowitz et al, 1984) indices of fluorosis were compared in permanent teeth of the children aged 11 y living in the region. Fluorosis severety was skewed in all instances to lower scores within each index. With the Thylstrup and Fejerskov and TSIF indices it was possible to compare fluorosis by individual teeth; the former was significantly more sensitive in diagnosis (56 per cent vs 50 per cent prevalence). It is recommended that the aims of a fluorosis investigation be carefully detailed before selecting the fluorosis index to be used. If detailed information on individual teeth related to fluoride ingestion is needed the Thylstrup and Fejerskov index is recommended, especially in areas with raised fluoride intakes where it is anticipated that the fluorosis levels will be mainly in the low levels of severity
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    How does zinc oxide-eugenol compare to ferric sulphate as a pulpotomy material?
    (2001) Chien, MM; Setzer, S.; Cleaton-Jones, P.
    This study compared the clinical and radiographic responses after 3 months to a sterile compression technique with zinc oxide-eugenol or 15.5% ferric sulphate in 145 pulpotomised primary teeth in 30 children. In both groups of teeth the success rate was 100%. These short-term results suggest that either technique may be used.
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    Pulpitis induction in baboon primary teeth using carious dentine Streptococcus mutans
    (2004) Cleaton-Jones, P.; Duggal, M.; Parak, R.; et al
    The objective of this equivalency study was to see if a colony of Streptococcus mutans placed into cavities in primary molar teeth produced pulpitis similar to an established pulpitis induction method using carious dentine. In two juvenile baboons (Papio ursinus), occlusal cavities were cut in all 16 primary molar teeth, followed by making a small pulpal exposure after which the cavity was swabbed with 37 per cent phosphoric acid. In one half of the teeth, fresh soft human carious dentine was placed over the pulpal exposure; in the remaining teeth the exposure was covered with a colony of Streptococcus mutans in agar. All the cavities were restored with unlined light-cured composite resin. After 14 days specimens were harvested and examined under the light microscope with the examiner blind to the induction method. In both groups of teeth there was recognisable pulp, hyperaemia, micro-abscesses in the pulp and peri-apical abscesses. Reactions to soft caries were more severe than to Streptococcus mutans. The results show that Streptococcus mutans placed in a cavity with an exposure produces comparable pulpitis to fresh soft human carious dentine in the same type of cavity and that both methods produce pulpitis suitable for testing pulpotomy or pulpectomy treatments.