South African Architectural Record

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    Evolution of and Architect's House 1940
    (The Journal of the Cape, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors., 1942-02) Martienssen, Rex D
    'Architects' houses tend to be interesting not because they inevitably exceed either on practical or aesthetic grounds the work done in the normal way, but because they are in a sense snatches of autobiography.'...'in the architect's own house the only conflicting circumstances that have to be contended with are economic or material - there are no external problems of taste'...'In this freedom lies the possibility of greatness or weakness.' p19
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    Civil Defence in South Africa
    (The Cape, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1940-09) Martienssen, Rex D; Hanson, Norman L; WGM
    "The architect's training in large scale planning, in the co-ordination of the many and varied technical activities connected with building and in the adjustment of related and sometimes conflicting programme requirements, gives him a special place in the formulation and carrying out of comprehensive measures for Air Raid Protection."
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    Man in Space ( A Lecture delivered at the Abstract Art Congress)
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1937-08) Martienssen, Rex D
    "...I am all for a minimum of information and a maximum of wrangling."
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    The English Spirit
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1939-01) Martienssen, Rex D
    " The architectural monuments of England are to be found in the country. In the vernacular where architectural forms combine with an unaccountable poise and harmony; where brick and tile and thatch and stone are used with judgement and leisurely arrangements we find the spirit which has escaped the architect's most determined efforts to establish an english architecture."
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    Mobile Architecture
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1937-05) Martienssen, Rex D
    "When the designer saw his first flyingboat make a steep climbing turn over Rochester Castle he saw the demonstration of an idea given expression in terms of the rich vocabulary of his own time."
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    The Changing Generator in Greek Sculpture
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1936-09) Martienssen, Rex D
    Art Implies human intervention; the impact of a creating will on inanimate material, but in the functioning of this humanizing agency the outcome is coloured by economy. To evoke a response it is not necessary to re-create the whole idea or form conceived in the mind it is sufficient to evoke a reaction in temrs of a symbol.
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    Conflict in hellas - Materials for an Integration of the Greek Spirit (Paper read to Architectural Student's Society)
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1935-06) Martienssen, Rex D
    When we build, we establish a relationship more or less satisfactory between the volume of the building and the greater volume which encloses it. The enveloping elements of the building-form provide the transition, and it is in this actual transition that the degree of strength and the kind of relationship is established.
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    Palazzo Piccolomini
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1939-01) Martienssen, Rex D
    'Rossellino made a model of the Rucellai. Of the Piccolomini he made a masterpiece."
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    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1937-11) Martienssen, Rex D
    "... these palaces marked the last stage before impatience with the restrictions of a pure style brought decay, and final collapse into vulgarity."
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    The Contemporary House
    (Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State Provincial Institutes of South African Architects and the Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, 1934-10) Martienssen, Rex D
    "The term architect, then in this context implies very much more than is commonly supposed. Our architect must have a full understanding of the problems involved in the present social and economic structures. His function is to correlate and unify new scientific processes with the scale of human requirements."