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Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
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    Symmetry classifications on a curved geometry
    (2020) Mathebula, Agreement
    In this thesis, we consider one-parameter point transformations that leave a differential equation invariant. In particular, we show that Noether symmetry classifications of any diagonal metric may be simplified by geometric criteria. We describe the Klein-Gordon equation for some general spaces and deal with the corresponding Killing algebra. Moreover, our investigation consists of several metrics, their Lie algebras, the point generators of the Klein-Gordon equation and their associated potential functions. Finally, we study a class of ecological diffusive equations and determine higher-order symmetries of non-linear diffusion equations
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    Symmetry structures and conserved forms of di erential equations on curved manifolds
    (2019) Gadjagboui, Bourgeois Biova Irenee
    We explore two methods in nding Noether symmetries and conservation laws of di erential equations on Riemannian manifolds. The rst one is based on the Noether's theorem while the second one is about the `multiplier approach'. Using the rst method, we try to nd the variational symmetries, here, denoted X. With geodesic equations, the second method consists of nding the Lagrangian multipliers. This yields the conserved quantities when one acts the multipliers on the geodesic equations. It turns out that the total number of conserved quantities is equal to the number of variational symmetries found. The Lie algebra of in nitesimal isometries of the Riemannian manifolds studied has the dimension not exceeding 1 2n(n + 1), where n = 4. In the rst case studied in Chapter 2, variational symmetries and conservation laws of a modi ed de Sitter metric are classi ed. We came up with the suggestion that where a nite dimensional group generated by conservation laws exists, the Noether symmetry group has at least one additional symmetry that is not given by the Killing Vectors. This is later con rmed in the rest of all the other cases studied.
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    Perturbed ODEs in cosmology and invariance analysis of ordinary difference equations
    (2017) Mnguni, Nkosingiphile
    This dissertation contains two parts ,the first part involves the novel study of the use of symmetries to find exact solutions of ordinary difference equations. Non-trivial symmetries of third-order difference equations of the form (1) are obtained. These symmetries are used to investigate their solutions for some random sequences (An) and (Bn). We extend the results obtained in [15] and conditions for well-defined solutions are obtained. Furthermore, a full Lie point symmetry analysis of the fifthorder rational difference equations of the form (5), where λ and µ are real numbers, is considered and exact solutions are found. In the second part we find new geometric conditions that can be specialized to obtain the approximate Noether symmetries of a large class of variational equations. We will also look at the ordinary differential equations that model cosmological and relativistic phenomena, which we will analyse using an approximate symmetry method.
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    The symmetry structures of curved manifolds and wave equations
    (2017) Bashingwa, Jean Juste Harrisson
    Killing vectors are widely used to study conservation laws admitted by spacetime metrics or to determine exact solutions of Einstein field equations (EFE) via Killing’s equation. Its solutions on a manifold are in one-to-one correspondence with continuous symmetries of the metric on that manifold. Two well known spherically symmetric static spacetime metrics in Relativity that admit maximal symmetry are given by Minkowski and de-Sitter metrics. Some other spherically symmetric metrics forming interesting solutions of the EFE are known as Schwarzschild, Kerr, Bertotti-Robinson and Einstein metrics. We study the symmetry properties and conservation laws of the geodesic equations following these metrics as well as the wave and Klein-Gordon (KG) type equations constructed using the covariant d’Alembertian operator on these manifolds. As expected, properties of reduction procedures using symmetries are more involved than on the well known flat (Minkowski) manifold.
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    The effect of suction and blowing on the spreading of a thin fluid film: a lie point symmetry analysis
    (2017) Modhien, Naeemah
    The effect of suction and blowing at the base on the horizontal spreading under gravity of a two-dimensional thin fluid film and an axisymmetric liquid drop is in- vestigated. The velocity vn which describes the suction/injection of fluid at the base is not specified initially. The height of the thin film satisfies a nonlinear diffusion equation with vn as a source term. The Lie group method for the solution of partial differential equations is used to reduce the partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations and to construct group invariant solutions. For a group invari- ant solution to exist, vn must satisfy a first order linear partial differential equation. The two-dimensional spreading of a thin fluid film is first investigated. Two models for vn which give analytical solutions are analysed. In the first model vn is propor- tional to the height of the thin film at that point. The constant of proportionality is β (−∞ < β < ∞). The half-width always increases to infinity as time increases even for suction at the base. The range of β for the thin fluid film approximation to be valid is determined. For all values of suction and a small range of blowing the maximum height of the film tends to zero as time t → ∞. There is a value of β corresponding to blowing for which the maximum height remains constant with the blowing balancing the effect of gravity. For stronger blowing the maximum height tends to infinity algebraically, there is a value of β for which the maximum height tends to infinity exponentially and for stronger blowing, still in the range for which the thin film approximation is valid, the maximum height tends to infinity in a finite time. For blowing the location of a stagnation point on the centre line is determined by solving a cubic equation approximately by a singular perturbation method and then exactly using a trigonometric solution. A dividing streamline passes through the stagnation point which separates the flow into two regions, an upper region consisting of fluid descending due to gravity and a lower region consisting of fluid rising due to blowing. For sufficiently strong blowing the lower region fills the whole of the film. In the second model vn is proportional to the spatial gradient of the height with constant of proportionality β∗ (−∞ < β∗ < ∞). The maximum height always decreases to zero as time increases even for blowing. The range of β∗ for the thin fluid film approximation to be valid is determined. The half-width tends to infinity algebraically for all blowing and a small range of weak suction. There is a value of β∗ corresponding to suction for which the half-width remains constant with the suction balancing the spreading due to gravity. For stronger suction the half-width tends to zero as t → ∞. For even stronger suction there is a value of β∗ for which the half-width tends to zero exponentially and a range of β∗ for which it tends to zero in a finite time but these values lie outside the range for which the thin fluid film approximation is valid. For blowing there is a stagnation point on the centre line at the base. Two dividing streamlines passes through the stagnation point which separate fluid descending due to gravity from fluid rising due to blowing. An approximate analytical solution is derived for the two dividing streamlines. A similar analysis is performed for the axisymmetric spreading of a liquid drop and the results are compared with the two-dimensional spreading of a thin fluid film. Since the two models for vn are still quite general it can be expected that general results found will apply to other models. These include the existence of a divid- ing streamline separating descending and rising fluid for blowing, the existence of a strength of blowing which balances the effect of gravity so the maximum height remains constant and the existence of a strength of suction which balances spreading due to gravity so that the half-width/radius remains constant.
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    Combinatorial aspects of symmetries on groups
    (2016) Singh, Shivani
    These symmetries have interesting applications to enumerative combinatorics and to Ramsey theory. The aim of this thesis will be to present some important results in these fields. In particular, we shall enumerate the r-ary symmetric bracelets of length n.
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    Symmetry reductions of some non-linear 1+1 D and 2+1 D black-scholes models
    (2016-09-19) Seoka, Nonhlanhla
    In this dissertation, we consider a number of modi ed Black-Scholes equations being either non-linear or given in higher dimensions. In particular we focus on the non-linear Black-Scholes equation describing option pricing with hedging strategies in one case, and two dimensional models in the other. Classical Lie point symmetry techniques are employed in an attempt to construct exact solutions. Some large symmetry algebras are admitted. We proceeded by determining the one dimensional optimal systems of sub-algebras for the admitted Lie algebras. The elements of the optimal systems are used to reduce the number of variables by one. In some cases, exact solutions are constructed. For the cases for which exact solutions are di cult to construct, we employed the numerical solutions. Some simulations are observed and interpreted
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    Turbulent hydraulic fracturing described by Prandtl's mixing length
    (2016-09-19) Newman, Despina
    The problem of turbulent hydraulic fracturing is considered. Despite it being a known phenomenon, limited mathematical literature exists in this field. Prandtl’s mixing length model is utilised to describe the eddy viscosity and a mathematical model is developed for two distinct cases: turbulence where the kinematic viscosity is sufficiently small to be neglected and the case where it is not. These models allow for the examination of the fluid’s behaviour and its effect on the fracture’s evolution through time. The Lie point symmetries of both cases are obtained, and a wide range of analytical and numerical solutions are explored. Solutions of physical significance are calculated and discussed, and approximate solutions are constructed for ease of fracture estimation. The non-classical symmetries of these equations are also investigated. It was found that the incorporation of the kinematic viscosity within the modelling process was important and necessary.
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    Smoothness conditions and symmetries of partial differential equations
    (2016-05-10) Mamba, Siphamandla
    We obtain a solution of the Black-Scholes equation with a non-smooth bound- ary condition using symmetry methods. The Black-Scholes equation along with its boundary condition are rst transformed into the one dimensional heat equation and an initial condition respectively. We then nd an appro- priate general symmetry generator of the heat equation using symmetries of the heat equation and the fundamental solution of the heat equation. The method we use to nd the symmetry generator is such that the boundary condition is left invariant and yet the symmetry can still be used to solve the heat equation. We then use the help of Mathematica to nd the solution to the heat equation. Then the solution is then transformed backwards to a solution of the Black-Scholes equation using the same change of variables that were used for the forward transformations. The solution is then nally checked if it satis es the boundary condition of the Black-Scholes equation.
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    Conditional symmetry properties for ordinary differential equations
    (2015-05-07) Fatima, Aeeman
    This work deals with conditional symmetries of ordinary di erential equations (ODEs). We re ne the de nition of conditional symmetries of systems of ODEs in general and provide an algorithmic viewpoint to compute such symmetries subject to root di erential equations. We prove a proposition which gives important and precise criteria as to when the derived higher-order system inherits the symmetries of the root system of ODEs. We rstly study the conditional symmetry properties of linear nth-order (n 3) equations subject to root linear second-order equations. We consider these symmetries for simple scalar higherorder linear equations and then for arbitrary linear systems. We prove criteria when the derived scalar linear ODEs and even order linear system of ODEs inherit the symmetries of the root linear ODEs. There are special symmetries such as the homogeneity and solution symmetries which are inherited symmetries. We mention here the constant coe cient case as well which has translations of the independent variable symmetry inherited. Further we show that if a system of ODEs has exact solutions, then it admits a conditional symmetry subject to the rst-order ODEs related to the invariant curve conditions which arises from the known solution curves. This is even true if the system has no Lie point sym