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    Calibration of discrete element modelling parameters for bulk materials handling applications
    (2018) Guya, Solomon Ramas
    The Discrete Element Method (DEM) models and simulates the flow of gran ular material through confining geometry. The method has the potential to significantly reduce the costs associated with the design and operation of bulk materials handling equipment. The challenge, however, is the difficulty of determining the required input parameters. Previous calibration approaches involved direct measurements and random parameter search. The aim of this research was to develop a sequential DEM calibration framework, identify ap propriate calibration experiments and validate the framework on real flows in a laboratory-scale silo and chute. A systematic and sequential DEM calibration framework was developed. The framework consists of categorising the DEM input parameters into three cat egories of determining the directly measured input parameters, obtaining the literature acquired input parameters, and linking physical experiments with DEM simulations to obtain the calibrated parameter values. The direct mea surement parameters comprised the coefficients of restitution and the particle to wall surface coefficient of rolling friction. Literature obtained parameters were the Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The calibrated parameters comprised the particle to wall surface coefficient of sliding friction calibrated from the wall fiction angle, the particle to particle friction coefficients (sliding and rolling) calibrated from two independent angles of repose, particle den sity calibrated from bulk density, and adhesion and cohesion energy densities. The framework was then tested using iron ore with a particle size distribution between +2mm and - 4.75 mm in LIGGGHTS DEM software. i Validation of the obtained input parameter values in the silo and chute showed very good qualitative comparisons between the measured and simulated flows. Quantitative predictions of flow rate were found to be particularly sensitive to variations in the particle to particle coefficient of sliding friction. It was concluded that due to their inherent limitations, angle of repose tests were not totally reliable to calibrate the particle to particle coefficient of sliding friction. Sensitivity tests conducted showed that in the quasi-static flow regime, only the frictional parameters were dominant, while both the frictional and colli sional parameters were dominant in the dynamic flow regime. These results are expected to lay a solid foundation for further research in systematic DEM cali bration and greatly increase the effectiveness of DEM models in bulk materials handling applications.
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    A parametric study on IBR sheeting supported by purlins
    (2016) Mlasi, Marope Stella
    This dissertation presents a parametric study conducted on the dimensions of an inverted box rib (IBR) sheet. The objectives of the study were (i) to obtain the optimum dimensions that would be used to simulate new IBR profiles made from standard sheet input coils whilst meeting the stiffness criterion; and (ii) to perform a cost analysis to determine the most economic simulated profile. The dimensions which were varied in the parametric study were rib-height, rib-width, sheet thickness and the number of pans per 686 mm cover width of a single IBR 686 sheet. Numerical experiments were conducted using the Finite Elements Method and Abaqus/CAE software. The results were compared to the predictions obtained from Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. The outputs from the experiments were the sheet deflection from which stiffness was determined, and eigenvalues from which the profiles’ stability and buckling modes were calculated. This study found that sheet stiffness increased as the rib-height, sheet thickness and number of pans per 686 mm cover width increased. In contrast, the rib-width had little effect on the sheet stiffness. Hence, it was concluded that, for any IBR sheet profile, the rib-width should be kept at approximately 23 mm to avoid using more material in the sheet. The optimum dimensions found were rib-height of 34 mm, rib-width of 23 mm and four pans per 686 mm cover width. The commercially available IBR 686 sheet is made up of four pans and has a rib-height and a rib-width of 37 and 33 mm, respectively. It is manufactured from an input sheet coil of 925 mm. Reducing the rib-height from 37 mm to 34 mm and the rib-width from 33 mm to 23 mm resulted in increasing the cover width by 8 %. The optimum dimensions were further used to simulate profiles made from the 925, 940, 1000, 1175, 1219, 1225, 1250 and 1320 mm standard sheet coils in order to find the most economic IBR profiles that met the stiffness criterion. The 1250 mm coil yielded the most economical IBR profile, which has six 97 mm wide pans, and a 996 mm cover width. This profile resulted in a 10 % cost saving compared with the next closest profile.
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    Seismic analysis of thin shell catenary vaults
    (2017) Surat, Daniel
    This report investigates the seismic response of catenary vaults. Through a series of tests, the inherent seismic resilience of catenary vaults was assessed and a number of reinforcement strategies were investigated to improve this. An analytical model, based on the virtual work method, was developed by Ochsendorf (2002) for the assessment of circular voussoir arches. This model was adapted for catenary vaults. This model is used to calculate the minimum lateral acceleration required to cause the collapse of a catenary vault (λmin) for any catenary profile. The model indicates that there is a linear relationship between cross sectional depth of the arch and λmin until the depth to ratio passes approximately 0.3, where the change in λmin becomes exponential. Using the model, it is also predicted that λmin decreases exponentially with an increase in the height to width ratio up to a value of approximately 1.6. After this point λmin linearly decreases with increased height to width ratios and approaches zero. The first series of tests involved subjecting unreinforced catenary vaults to seismic loading. In these tests the frequency of vibration was varied and the stroke was kept constant. From the results of the tests, it was found that there was no frequency at which the vaults underwent excessive vibration due to resonance. It was observed that during seismic loading, hinges form at locations where pre-existing cracks occur despite the higher computed λmin values for these positions. The tests also indicate that the vaults’ behaviour changes drastically with each hinge that forms. In the next series of tests the frequency was set and the stroke was increased. The vaults were subjected to seismic loading at 2 Hz and 6 Hz, representative of low and high frequencies respectively. The tests indicated that the collapse acceleration of arches subjected to vibration at 2 Hz was lower than that of the vaults subjected to vibrations at 6 Hz. Despite this, the stroke, representing ground movement, required to cause collapse at 2 Hz was substantially higher than that of the 6 Hz tests. This indicates that the duration of load cycles has an effect on the collapse acceleration. In comparing the computed collapse acceleration, λmin, with the actual collapse accelerations, it was found that the computed values are highly conservative. Yet this is expected as the model is based on an infinite duration of lateral loading. It was found that the analytical model was more accurate for low frequency tests as compared to high frequency tests in terms of the predicted hinge locations. Finally, three reinforcement strategies were investigated using basalt fibre geogrid. This was found to be an economical and viable reinforcement material. The first strategy consisted of laying the geogrid over the arch and securing it at the arch base. The second was the same as the first with the addition of anchors which held the geogrid down. The final strategy involved prestressing the arch using the geogrid. The latter 2 methods were found to be the most effective, with observed collapse accelerations being over 60% higher than that of the same unreinforced arch. The anchorage solution was found to be the most viable due to the substantially higher technical input required for the prestressing solution.
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    A probabilistic structural design process for bord and pillar workings in chrome and platinum mines in South Africa
    (2016) Kersten, Rudiger Welf Olgert
    The aim of this research was to investigate the bord and pillar design procedure in use at the time on chrome and platinum mines and subject it to a critical appraisal and, if necessary, propose an improved methodology. An analysis of the current method and some of the alternatives proposed in the literature has shown that the methodologies suffer from drawbacks that can be detrimental to the mining industry due to overdesign or rendering an excavation unsafe. The conclusion was that improvement is essential. The influence of the variability of the rock mass properties input parameters on the factor of safety in the current equation was calculated and the findings were that the value of the factor of safety can vary by up to 30 percent due to these variation. The proposed process adopted FLAC2D Hoek-Brown simulations to develop full stress deformation curves for typical pillars. The mine stiffness concept was introduced to determine the pillar load which automatically included the influence of the pillar and strata stiffness, excavation spans, pillar yield and failure. The factor of safety was obtained by dividing the pillar strength by the stress value of the intersection point of the two linear equations for the stiffness of the system and the pillar respectively. The proposed methodology was calibrated by applying it to two mines in the Bushveld. The conclusion was that the methodology is a significant improvement over the one in use. It was shown that a combination of the FLAC2D Hoek Brown and the System Pillar Equilibrium Concept can predict the extent of the fracture zones and, to certain extent, the pillar stresses. The stage has been reached where the methodology can be used to predict the most likely commencement of failure of pillars at greater depth and alternative pillar mining methods can be modelled.
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    An experimental and theoretical investigation of the structural behaviour of cross-bracing in transmission line steel towers
    (2016-07-15) Behncke, Roberto Hector
    This thesis presents the results of theoretical and experimental investigations into the behaviour and ultimate load capacity of latticed lower panels with cross-bracing diagonals made of equal-leg, hot-rolled steel angles under the effects of in-plane loads. Loading tests to collapse are carried out on cross-bracings in reduced-scale two-dimensional frames of various arrangements. The Southwell-plot of deflection measurements immediately prior to first yield of the diagonals is used to define equivalent end eccentricities and effective length factors, which therefore account for geometric and material imperfections of the test specimens. A proposal for new design formulae for calculating the resistance of struts is presented. The new design equations are based on the secant formula and are calibrs"ed against the experimental results. A computer model is developed based on flexibility equations which do not require an narative analysis procedure. The non-linear effects are given through the inclusion of Berry stability functions. The effects of eccentric forces and nodal restraints are simulated at all joints in which diagonals and main chords are connected . An additional model is formulated using a mainframe finite-element cod, demonstrating that it is now possible to perform non-linear analyses of complex frames including asymmetric members. Experimental results from this and other investigations are compared with ultimate load predictions based on the new design equations and the computer models and also usual buckling curves for design of steel transmission towers. In all cases the proposed models give acceptable predictions ot the behaviour and ultimate capacity of the bracings. In particular, failure loads calculated with the new design equations show improvements with respect to predictions based on current design buckling curves. These equations, therefore, can be used for design of steel latticed tower structures with angle members.