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    Application of reflection seismics to the assessment of cool-mining-related subsidence in the Karoo Basin and neotectonic activity in the offshore orange basin
    (2018) Isiaka, Ibrahim Ahmed
    The general aim of this thesis was to use the high-resolution seismic reflection method to investigate coal-mining related subsidence in the Karoo Basin and to assess hydrocarbon leakage and neotectonic activity in the offshore Orange Basin. This research work is divided into three independent parts. The first part is a shallow sub-surface investigation conducted at old coal mines located in the Benoni area and the Springlake Colliery mine, where room and pillar method was used for coal-mining. At the Benoni study area, the high-resolution seismic reflection investigation was used to detect near-surface voids related to coal mining, as well as the dissolution cavities within the underlying dolomite that are responsible for the subsidence- and sinkholes-related features commonly observed in the area. Similarly, the technique was used to delineate subsidence zone in the Springlake mine, where subsidence is caused by the collapse of the overlying strata into subsurface voids due to the removal of coal. In the second part of the thesis, a major half-graben bounded fault within the Ibhubesi gas field of the Orange Basin was investigated. The objective was to assess the vertical migration of hydrocarbon and the recent tectonic activities along the fault. It was found that the vertical migration of hydrocarbon along the fault occurred through fault-parallel extensional fractures within the fault zones, as well as in the relay zones within the fault segment boundaries. The results also provide evidence that the fault is tectonically active, and therefore it is recommended that a seismic hazard assessment is conducted around the vicinity of the fault. The third part of the thesis is focused on the investigation of an enigmatic circular geological structure in the Orange Basin. Volume rendering of high-resolution 3D reflection seismic data revealed the detailed morphology of the circular structure. The morphological characteristics exhibited by the circular structure resemble a complex impact crater. However, the confirmation that this enigmatic feature is an impact structure is subject to the analysis of core samples from boreholes within the vicinity of the structure.
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    Combating the effects of rockbursts caused by seismically-induced shock waves
    (2017) Mudau, Avhasei
    Rockburst occurrences and their consequent damage remain a problem in modern mining, particularly at great depth. The problem of rockbursts has also escalated in deepcivilengineeringtunnelsduetohighlevelsofin-situstressatsuchdepths. Key advancementshavebeenmadetodatetohelpmitigatethedrasticimpactscausedby rockburstdamage,withrocksupportremainingalineofdefensetoprovidestability in rockbursting situations. There is, however, an ongoing inability of support to contain severe rockburst damage, especially conventional support systems. More than two decades ago, a support concept termed “sacrificial support” was proposed as a potential additional method to help inhibit rockburst damage. The philosophy behind a sacrificial support system is that, under dynamic loading conditions, support, in the form of a liner must fail (i.e. be ejected from rock surface), leaving behind, undamaged, what was once supported rock mass. It is because of this reason that this support is referred to as a sacrificial support due to its ability to protect the rock from damage whilst the support itself fails. Since the inception of this support idea, it was only recently that the behaviour of support in real rockburst events manifested the sacrificial behaviour in rockbursting, which warranted the need for further research. The sacrificial support concept stated here is applicable in situations where the source (i.e. seismic event) of the rockburst is located remote from where rockburst damage is likely to occur. To investigate the behaviour of sacrificial support, controlled laboratory experimentsbasedonthesplitHopkinsonpressurebar(SHPB)techniquewereconducted to study some aspects of dynamic rock fracturing in tension at high strain rates, and also the role a sacrificial layer plays in combating dynamic rock failure (i.e. rockburst damage). To achieve this, a single Hopkinson pressure bar configured for spalling tests, comprised of a relatively long cylindrical intact rock specimen attached at the bar free end, was impacted by a striker on the opposite free end of the bar in order to generate a dynamic stress pulse responsible for spall failure upon reflection from the specimen free end. Different liners and/or liner combinations were then introduced at the specimen free end as sacrificial support. This experimental arrangement allowed the role of, and failure mechanisms associated with, sacrificial support under dynamic loading to be demonstrated, and comparisons were made with “sacrificial support” behaviour observed in real rockburst events in a mine. Analysis of experimental results revealed that varying liner thickness and mechanical impedance between rock and support liner plays a significant role in helping to limit rockburst damage. Apart from experimental investigations, numerical simulations were undertaken to further probe the behaviour of sacrificial support under dynamic loading. Elastic models subjected to p-wave propagation indicated failure of the sacrificial layer, manifested by ejection of the liner due to reflection of compressive wave at the free surface. This failure mechanism was noticed for all the liners, independent of variation in liner thickness, and wavelength characteristic of the applied wave to the model. The sacrificial support method presented in this thesis presents an opportunity to further enhance safety in seismically active mines.
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    Seismic analysis of thin shell catenary vaults
    (2017) Surat, Daniel
    This report investigates the seismic response of catenary vaults. Through a series of tests, the inherent seismic resilience of catenary vaults was assessed and a number of reinforcement strategies were investigated to improve this. An analytical model, based on the virtual work method, was developed by Ochsendorf (2002) for the assessment of circular voussoir arches. This model was adapted for catenary vaults. This model is used to calculate the minimum lateral acceleration required to cause the collapse of a catenary vault (λmin) for any catenary profile. The model indicates that there is a linear relationship between cross sectional depth of the arch and λmin until the depth to ratio passes approximately 0.3, where the change in λmin becomes exponential. Using the model, it is also predicted that λmin decreases exponentially with an increase in the height to width ratio up to a value of approximately 1.6. After this point λmin linearly decreases with increased height to width ratios and approaches zero. The first series of tests involved subjecting unreinforced catenary vaults to seismic loading. In these tests the frequency of vibration was varied and the stroke was kept constant. From the results of the tests, it was found that there was no frequency at which the vaults underwent excessive vibration due to resonance. It was observed that during seismic loading, hinges form at locations where pre-existing cracks occur despite the higher computed λmin values for these positions. The tests also indicate that the vaults’ behaviour changes drastically with each hinge that forms. In the next series of tests the frequency was set and the stroke was increased. The vaults were subjected to seismic loading at 2 Hz and 6 Hz, representative of low and high frequencies respectively. The tests indicated that the collapse acceleration of arches subjected to vibration at 2 Hz was lower than that of the vaults subjected to vibrations at 6 Hz. Despite this, the stroke, representing ground movement, required to cause collapse at 2 Hz was substantially higher than that of the 6 Hz tests. This indicates that the duration of load cycles has an effect on the collapse acceleration. In comparing the computed collapse acceleration, λmin, with the actual collapse accelerations, it was found that the computed values are highly conservative. Yet this is expected as the model is based on an infinite duration of lateral loading. It was found that the analytical model was more accurate for low frequency tests as compared to high frequency tests in terms of the predicted hinge locations. Finally, three reinforcement strategies were investigated using basalt fibre geogrid. This was found to be an economical and viable reinforcement material. The first strategy consisted of laying the geogrid over the arch and securing it at the arch base. The second was the same as the first with the addition of anchors which held the geogrid down. The final strategy involved prestressing the arch using the geogrid. The latter 2 methods were found to be the most effective, with observed collapse accelerations being over 60% higher than that of the same unreinforced arch. The anchorage solution was found to be the most viable due to the substantially higher technical input required for the prestressing solution.
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    Seismological and mineralogical studies of the world’s deepest gold-bearing horizon, the Carbon Leader Reef, West Wits Line goldfields (South Africa): implications for its poor seismic reflective character
    (2016) Nkosi, Nomqhele Zamaswazi
    The measurements of physical rock properties, seismic velocities in particular, associated with ore deposits and their host rocks are crucial in interpreting seismic data collected at the surface for mineral exploration purposes. The understanding of the seismic velocities and densities of rock units can help to improve the understanding of seismic reflections and thus lead to accurate interpretations of the subsurface geology and structures. This study aims to determine the basic acoustic properties and to better understand the nature of the seismic reflectivity of the world’s deepest gold-bearing reef, the Carbon Leader Reef (CLR). This was done by measuring the physical properties (ultrasonic velocities and bulk densities) as well as conducting mineralogical analyses on drill-core samples. Ultrasonic measurements of P- and S-wave velocities were determined at ambient and elevated stresses, up to 65 MPa. The results show that the quartzite samples overlying and underlying the CLR exhibit similar velocities (~ 5028 m/s-5480 m/s and ~ 4777 m/s-5211 m/s, respectively) and bulk densities (~ 2.68 g/cm3 and 2.66 g/cm3). This is due to similar mineralogy and chemical compositions observed within the units. However, the CLR has slightly higher velocity (~ 5070 m/s-5468 m/s) and bulk density (~ 2.78 g/cm3) than the surrounding quartzite units probably due to higher pyrite content in the reef, which increases the velocity. The hangingwall Green Bar shale exhibits higher velocity (5124 m/s-5914 m/s) and density values (~ 2.89 g/cm3-3.15 g/cm3) compared to all the quartzite units (including the CLR), as a result of its finer grain size and higher iron and magnesium content. In the data set it is found that seismic velocities are influence by silica, iron and pyrite content as well as the grain size of the samples, i.e., seismic velocities increase with (1) decreasing silica content, (2) increasing iron and pyrite content and (3) decreasing grain size. Reflection coefficients calculated using the seismic velocities and densities at the boundaries between the CLR and its hangingwall and footwall units range between ~0.02 and 0.05, which is below the suggested minimum of 0.06 required to produce a strong reflection between two lithological units. This suggests that reflection seismic methods might not be able to directly image the CLR as a prominent reflector, as observed from the seismic data. The influence of micro-cracks is observed in the unconfined uniaxial compressive stress tests where two regimes can be identified: (1) From 0 - 25 MPa the P-wave velocities increase with progressive loading, but at different rates in shale and quartzite rocks owing to the presence of micro-cracks and (2) above stresses of ~20 - 25 MPa, the velocity stress relationship becomes constant, possibly indicating total closure of micro-cracks. The second part of the study integrates 3D reflection seismic data, seismic attributes and information from borehole logs and underground mapping to better image and model important fault systems that might have a direct effect on mining in the West Wits Line goldfields. 3D seismic data have delineated first-, second- and third-order scale faults that crosscut key gold-bearing horizons by tens to hundreds of metres. Applying the modified seismic attribute has improved the imaging of the CLR by sharpening the seismic traces. Conventional interpretation of the seismic data shows that faults with throws greater than 25 m can be clearly seen. Faults with throws less than 25 m were identified through volumetric (edge enhancement and ant-tracking seismic attributes) and horizon-based (dip, dip-azimuth and edge detection seismic attributes) seismic attribute analysis. These attributes provided more accurate mapping of the depths, dip and strikes of the key seismic horizon (Roodepoort shale), yielding a better understanding of the relationship between fault activity, methane migration and relative chronology of tectonic events in the goldfield. The strato-structural model derived for the West Wits Line gold mines can be used to guide future mine planning and designs to (1) reduce the risks posed by mining activities and (2) improve the resource evaluation of the goldbearing reefs in the West Wits Line goldfields.