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Item Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of the Production of Carbon Nanotube Yarn from Chemical Vapour Deposition Reactor(2019) Mahangani, NdanganeniOvercoming the low production rate of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) could be instrumental to reducing their cost of production and enhancing its wide application. Understanding the kinetics of the production of yarn from CNTs, through kinetic model development could assist in the optimisation of the production and this makes the application of yarn as a replacement to filament in incandescent bulb promising. In this study, kinetic of the production of CNTs, an intermediate in the production of yarn, is presented. Several experiments were conducted using Ferrocene as catalyst in a CVD reactor. The reaction of CH4 on Ferrocene catalyst is via heterogeneous catalysis because methane is in gaseous phase and Ferrocene in solid phase. Langmuir Hinshelwood was used to develop a kinetic model based on these two- phase phenomena. The effect of CH4 concentration was investigated as well. The derived kinetic model fits the experimentally measured data with 95% confidence interval. Good quality CNTs were obtained at methane flow rate of 125 ml/min. The CNTs produced at this flow rate has high purity, low tube diameter and spinnable long array as compared to the one produced at 100 ml/min and 150 ml/min. Yarn was produced at this flow rate (125 ml/min) at a reactor temperature of 900, 950 and 1000oC. Characterisation techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transition Electron Microscopy (TEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX), Gas Chromatography (GC) and Raman Spectroscopy were used to analyse the product from experiments. At all studied reactor temperatures CNT yarns were synthesised as observed in SEM images. Four Probe method was used to measure the electrical conductivity of as-produced CNTs and yarn. By using the proposed CH4 flow rate (125 ml/min) the produced CNT yarn was found to be metallic and electrically conductive. The studied electrical conductivity of as-produced CNTs were found to be approximately 2 times higher than their yarn. Yarn produced at reactor temperature of 950oC proved to have high quality and more electrically conductive than those produced at 900 and 1000oC. The thermodynamic properties of CNTs yarn were studied using TGA/DSC equipment. Polynomial models for predicting Specific heat capacities of yarns produced in this study were developed. The results showed that the temperature at which yarn is produced has an effect on a thermodynamic property such as heat capacities, enthalpy and entropy.Item Use of chlorinated carbon materials to make nitrogen doped and un-doped carbon nanomaterials and their use in water treatment(2018) Maboya, Winny KgaboCarbon nanomaterials (CNMs) and nitrogen doped CNMs (NCNMs) with different morphologies were obtained by decomposition of various chlorinated organic solvents using a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) bubbling and injection methods over a Fe-Co/CaCO3 catalyst. CNFs, CNTs with secondary CNT or CNF growth, bamboo-compartmented and hollow CNTs were obtained. Increasing the growth time to 90 min resulted in growth of ~ 90 % of secondary CNFs on the surface of the main CNTs, using dichlorobenzene (DCB) as source of chlorine. The secondary CNFs grew at defects sites of the CNT wall. Secondary CNFs were not observed at other studied temperatures, 600, 650. 750 and 800 °C. Using an injection CVD method, horn-, straw- and pencil-shaped closed and open-ended CNTs/CNFs were obtained from CH3CN/DCB solutions of various volume ratios. CNT growth was enhanced after addition of chlorine. Highly graphitic carbon materials were produced from feed solutions containing low and high DCB concentrations. CNTs with defects were obtained from solutions containing 66.7 vol.% DCB. Post-doping of the N-CNTs with chlorine and of the chlorinated CNTs with nitrogen resulted in production of highly graphitic materials. Using a bubbling CVD method, mixtures of CNMs namely, hollow and bamboo-compartmented CNTs with and without intratubular junctions and carbon nano-onions filled with metal nanoparticles were obtained from feed solutions containing TTCE. MWCNT/PVP composite nanofibers were successfully synthesized using an electrospinning technique. Adsorption capacities of 15–20 g/g were obtained in pure oil or in oil-water mixtures. The adsorption capability of the MWCNT/PVP composite depended on the type of oil and its viscosity.Item The influence of off-diagonal disorder on resonant transmission and emergent phenomena in nanostructured carbon thin films(2017) McIntosh, Ross WilliamNano-structured carbon lms, long studied due to the promise of exceptional quantum transport properties, present a signi cant problem in condensed matter due to the disorder which inherently forms in these materials. This work addresses the role of structural disorder in low dimensional carbon systems. The in uence of structural disorder on resonant transmission is studied in diamond-like carbon superlattices. Having established a model for disorder, this model for the structural changes is then applied to interpret experimental measurements of diamond-like carbon superlattices. The role of phonons on resonant transmission under a high frequency gate potential was also studied. This model for structural disorder in heterogeneous carbon lms was then applied to disordered superconductors close to the Anderson-Mott transition using the inhomogeneous Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. This analysis is then used in support of experimental work to understand the superconductor-insulator transition in boron doped nano-crystalline diamond lms. Coherent quantum transport e ects were demonstrated in structurally-disordered diamondlike carbon (DLC) superlattices through distinct current modulation (step-like features) with negative differential resistance in the current-voltage (I-V) measurements. A model for these structurally disordered superlattices was developed using tight-binding calculations within the Landauer-B uttiker formalism assuming a random variation of the hopping integral following a Gaussian distribution. Calculations of the I-V characteristics for different con gurations of superlattices compliment the interpretation of the measured I-V characteristics and illustrate that while these DLC superlattice structures do not behave like conventional superlattices, the present model can be used to tailor the properties of future devices. Furthermore this tandem theoretical and experimental analysis establishes the validity of the model for structural disorder. The same model for the variation of disorder was then applied to interpret the electronic transport properties of disordered graphene-like carbon thin films. The influence of disorder on the activation energy in few layer graphitic lms was modelled and compared with experimental observations through collaboration. The lms, grown by laser ablation, allowed the speci c e ects of structural disorder in the sp2 - C phase to be probed. Defects acted as effective barriers resulting in localization of charge carriers. Electron transmission spectra, calculated with a tight-binding model, accounted for the change of localization length as a result of disorder in the sp2 - C phase. This theoretical study showed that the localization length of the thin graphitic lms can be tuned with the level of disorder and was shown to be consistent with experimental studies. The in uence of nitrogen incorporation on resonant transmission in DLC superlattices was then studied theoretically. This study illuminated the speci c role of the nitrogen potential in relation to the Fermi level (EF ) in nitrogen incorporated amorphous carbon (a- CN) superlattice structures. In a-CN systems, the variation of conductivity with nitrogen percentage has been found to be strongly non-linear due to the change of disorder level. The e ect of correlated carbon and nitrogen disorder was investigated in conjunction with the nitrogen potential through analysis of transmission spectra, calculated using a tight binding model, which showed two broad peaks related to these species. It was shown that the characteristic transmission time through nitrogen centres can be controlled through a combination of the nitrogen potential and correlated disorder. In particular, by controlling the arrangement of the nitrogen sites within the sp2 - C clusters as well as their energetic position relative to EF , a crossover of the pronounced transmission peaks of nitrogen and carbon sites can be achieved. Furthermore, it was shown that nitrogen incorporated as a potential barrier can also enhance the transmission in the a-CN superlattice structures. The strong non-linear variation of resistance and the characteristic time of the structures can explain the transport features observed experimentally in a-CN fi lms. This analysis was then partnered with measurements performed on nitrogen-incorporated carbon superlattices (N-DLC QSL) by Neeraj Dwivedi (National University of Singapore). The electrical characteristics of these nitrogen incorporated superlattice devices revealed prominent negative di erential resistance (NDR) behavior. The interpretation of these measurements was supported by 1D tight binding calculations of disordered superlattice structures (chains), which included signi cant bond alternation in sp3-hybridized regions. This analysis showed improved resonant transmission, which can be ascribed to nitrogendriven structural modi cation of the N-DLC QSL structures, especially the increased sp2-C clustering that provides additional conduction paths throughout the network. In order to determine the in uence of additional factors on coherent quantum states in molecular systems as an extension to the analysis on superlattices, a theoretical study of the electron-phonon interaction in double barrier structures under the in uence of a timedependent gate potential was undertaken. The Floquet theory was employed along with expansion in a polaron eigenbasis to render a multi-dimensional single body problem. An essentially exact solution was found using the Riccati matrix technique. It was demonstrated that optimal transmission can be achieved by varying the frequency of the gate potential. In addition, it was shown that the gate potential can be used to control the energy of the resonant states very precisely while maintaining optimal transmission. Having gained a deep understanding of the structural changes induced in carbon systems through the incorporation of nitrogen, a similar structural model was then applied to study the changes induced in diamond and nanocrystalline fi lms by boron incorpora- tion. Boron doped diamond provides an interesting superconductor with ongoing debate surrounding the nature of the impurity band and the effect on the superconducting phase transition of structural changes induced by boron incorporation. The in uence of disorder, both structural (non-diagonal) and on-site (diagonal), was studied through the inhomogeneous Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) theory in narrow-band disordered superconductors with a view towards understanding superconductivity in boron doped diamond (BDD) and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (B-NCD) lms. We employed the attractive Hubbard model within the mean eld approximation, including a short range Coulomb interaction between holes in the narrow acceptor band. We studied substitutional boron incorporation in a triangular lattice, with disorder in the form of random potential uctuations at the boron sites. The role of structural disorder was investigated through non-uniform variation of the tight-binding coupling parameter where, following experimental ndings in BDD and B-NCD lms, we incorporated the concurrent increase in structural disorder with increasing boron concentration. Stark differences between the ffects of structural and on-site disorder were demonstrated and showed that structural disorder has a much greater e ect on the density of states, mean pairing amplitude and super uid density than on-site potential disorder. We showed that structural disorder can increase the mean pairing amplitude while the spectral gap in the density of states decreases, with states eventually appearing within the spectral gap for high levels of disorder. This study illustrated how the effects of structural disorder can explain some of the features found in superconducting BDD and B-NCD lms, such as a tendency towards saturation of the critical temperature (Tc) with boron doping and deviations from the expected Bardeen-Cooper-Shrie er (BCS) theory in the temperature dependence of the pairing amplitude and spectral gap. The variation of the super uid density considering only structural disorder was markedly different from the variation with on-site disorder only and revealed that structural disorder is far more detrimental to superconductivity and accounts for the relatively low Tc of BDD and B-NCD in comparison to the Tc predicted using the conventional BCS theory. This theoretical work was then used to interpret features in the measured transport properties of B-NCD lms with di erent doping concentrations and microstructures. The temperature dependence of a distinct local maximum in eld dependent magnetoresistance measurements showed suppression of the density of states as the system breaks up into superconducting regions separated by grain boundaries. Differential resistance measurements at different temperatures and magnetic fi elds showed a transition from a local minimum at zero applied current, indicative of persisting superconducting regions, to a local maximum. A power law dependence over a certain current range in the measured I-V characteristics at di erent magnetic elds suggests a Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition. In addition, features in the magnetoresistance clearly indicate additional phases. Together with features in current-voltage measurements, these signatures show the coexistence of superconductivity and additional competing phases close to the Anderson-Mott transition.Item The effects of morphological changes and carbon nanospheres on the pseudocapacitive properties of molybdenum disulphide(2016) Khawula, TobileThe use of supercapacitors for energy storage is an attractive approach considering their ability to deliver high levels of electrical power, unlimited charge/discharge cycles, green environmental protection and long operating lifetimes. Despite the satisfactory power density, supercapacitors are yet to match the energy densities of batteries and fuel cells, reducing the competitiveness as a revolutionary energy storage device. Therefore, the biggest challenge for supercapacitors is the trade-off between energy density and power density. This presents an opportunity to enhance the electrochemical capacitance and mechanical stability of an electrode. Previous attempts to get around the problem include developing porous nanostructured electrodes with extremely large effective areas. One of the emerging high-power supercapacitor electrode materials is molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a member of the transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Its higher intrinsic fast ionic conductivity and higher theoretical capacity have attracted a lot of attention, particularly in supercapacitors. In addition to double-layer capacitance, diffusion of the ions into the MoS2 at slow scan rates gives rise to Faradaic capacitance. Analogous to Ru in RuO2, the Mo center atom displays a range of oxidation states from +2 to +6. This plays an important role in enhancing charge storage capabilities. However, the electronic conductivity of MoS2 is still lower compared to graphite, and the specific capacitance of MoS2 is still very limited when used alone for energy storage applications. As evident in several literature reports, there is a need to improve the capacitance of MoS2 with conductive materials such as carbon nanotubes (CNT), polyaniline (PANI), polypyrrole (PPy), and reduced graphene (r-GO). Carbon nanospheres (CNS) have, in the past, improved the conductivity of cathode material in Li-ion batteries, owing to their appealing electrical properties, chemical stability and high surface area. The main objective of this dissertation research is to develop nanocomposite materials based on molybdenum sulphide with carbon nanospheres for pseudocapacitors with simultaneously high power density and energy density at low production cost. The research was carried out in two phases, namely, (i) Symmetric pseudocapacitors based on molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-modified carbon nanospheres: Correlating physico-chemistry and synergistic interaction on energy storage and (ii) The effects of morphology re-arrangements on the pseudocapacitive properties of mesoporous molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoflakes. The physico-chemical properties of the MoS2 layered materials have been interrogated using the surface area analysis (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and advanced electrochemistry including cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation (GCPL), repetitive electrochemical cycling tests, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In the first phase, Molybdenum disulfide-modified carbon nanospheres (MoS2/CNS) with two different morphologies (spherical and flower-like) have been synthesized using hydrothermal techniques and investigated as symmetric pseudocapacitors in aqueous electrolyte. The two different MoS2/CNS layered materials exhibit unique differences in morphology, surface areas, and structural parameters, which have been correlated with their electrochemical capacitive properties. The flower-like morphology (f-MoS2/CNS) shows lattice expansion (XRD), large surface area (BET analysis), and small-sized nanostructures (corroborated by the larger FWHM of the Raman and XRD data). As a contrast to the f-MoS2/CNS, the spherical morphology (s-MoS2/CNS) shows lattice contraction, small surface area with relatively large-sized nanostructures. The presence of CNS on the MoS2 structure leads to slight softening of the characteristic Raman bands (E12g and A1g modes) with larger FWHM. The MoS2 and its CNS-based composites have been tested in symmetric electrochemical capacitors in aqueous 1 M Na2SO4 solution. CNS improves the conductivity of the MoS2 and synergistically enhanced the electrochemical capacitive properties of the materials, especially the f-MoS2/CNS-based symmetric cells (most notably, in terms of capacitance retention). The maximum specific capacitance for f-MoS2/CNS-based pseudocapacitor show a maximum capacitance of 231 F g-1 with high energy density 26 Wh kg-1 and power density 6443 W kg-1. For the s-MoS2/CNS-based pseudocapcitor, the equivalent values are 108 F g-1, 7.4 Wh kg-1 and 3700 W kg-1. The high-performance of the f-MoS2/CNS is consistent with its physico-chemical properties as determined by the spectroscopic and microscopic data. In the second phase, Mesoporous molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) with different morphologies has been prepared via a hydrothermal method using different solvents, water or water/acetone mixtures. The MoS2 obtained with water alone gave graphene-like nanoflakes (g-MoS2) while the other with water/acetone (1:1 ratio) gave a hollow-like morphology (h-MoS2). Both materials are modified with carbon nanospheres as conductive materials and investigated as symmetric pseudocapacitors in aqueous electrolyte (1 M Na2SO4 solution). Interestingly, a simple change of synthesis solvents confers on the MoS2 materials different morphologies, surface areas, and structural parameters, correlated by electrochemical capacitive properties. The g-MoS2 exhibits higher surface area, higher capacitance parameters (specific capacitance of 183 F g-1, maximum energy density of 9.2 Wh kg-1 and power density of 2.9 kW kg-1) but less stable electrochemical cycling compared to the h-MoS2. These findings have opened doors for further exploration of the synergistic effects between MoS2 graphene-like sheets and CNS for energy storage.Item The impact of structure on the electrical transport properties of nitrogen-doped carbon microspheres(2016) Marsicano, Vincent DerekChemical vapour deposition was used to synthesise four carbon microspheres (CMS) samples. Introduction of acetonitrile in different quantities produced spheres of differing nitrogen concentration. The structure of the spheres was investigated using Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques. The Raman investigation revealed a decrease in average graphitic flake size which forms the surface layers of the spheres with nitrogen incorporation. XPS showed that increased nitrogen doping caused a larger proportion of pyridinic nitrogen, which process likely restricts the growth of the crystallite flakes detected with the Raman technique. Microscopy revealed spheres with differing morphologies which did not correlated with the level of nitrogen doping. Electron paramagnetic resonance techniques were employed to investigate the impact of nitrogen doping on the spin system of the samples. Electrical transport and Hall effect data were collected with an automated experiment station purpose built for this work. Samples displayed semiconducting behaviour at low temperatures which was ascribed to fluctuation assisted tunnelling. At higher temperatures all four samples display a transition to metallic behaviour. Models for conduction, which were tested but ultimately rejected, include variable range hopping in all its dimensional forms, Efros-Shklovskii VRH and weak localisation. A comparison of the conduction results and the structural information showed the conductivity to be more closely affected by the structure of the spheres than the overall doping level. A case is made for the dominant conduction mechanism being determined by the intersphere rather than the intrasphere conduction. This research shows that creating carbon microspheres with specific electrical properties requires control of the structure induced during synthesis. Nitrogen doping alone does not determine the final physical and electrical transport properties.Item Electronic properties of low dimensional carbon materials(2016) Sanders, Kirsty GailLow dimensional carbon systems are of immense interest in condensed matter physics due to their exceptional and often startling electric and magnetic properties. In this dissertation we consider two of these materials - graphene and nanocrystalline diamond. The effect of synthesis parameters on the quality of graphene is examined and it is found that controlling the partial pressure of the synthesis gases plays a critical role in determining the quality of the sample. Superconductivity in Boron doped nanocrystalline diamond (B-NCD) is considered and weak localisation along with a Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition is identified in the samples. Furthermore we explore theoretically the problem of electric transport through a double quantum dot system coupled to a nanomechanical resonator. We find resonant tunnelling when the difference between the energy levels of the dots equals an integer multiple of the resonator frequency, and that while initially increasing the electron phonon coupling (g) increases the current through the sample further increase in g inhibits electric transport through the quantum dots.Item A CO2 capture technology using carbon nanotubes with polyaspartamide surfactant(2016-07-13) Ngoy, Jacob MasialaTechnologies for the separation of CO2 from flue gas require a feat of engineering for efficient achievement. Various CO2 capture technologies, including absorption, adsorption, cryogenics and membranes, have been investigated globally. The absorption technology uses mainly alkanolamine aqueous solutions, the most common being monoethanolamine (MEA); however, further investigation is required to circumvent its weakness due to degradation through oxidation, material corrosion and high energy costs required for regeneration. Attractive advantages in adsorption technology, including the ability to separate the more diluted component in the mixture with a low energy penalty, have been a motivation for many researchers to contribute to the advancement of adsorption technology in CO2 capture. The challenge in CO2 adsorption technology is to design a hydrophobic and biodegradable adsorbent with large CO2 uptake, high selectivity for CO2, adequate adsorption kinetics, water tolerance, and to require low levels of energy for regeneration processes. The existing adsorbent such as activated carbon, silica gel, zeolites, metal organic frameworks and others, have been ineffective where moisture occurs in flue gas. This work provides an advanced adsorption technology through a novel adsorbent, MWNT-PAA, designed from the noncovalent functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) by polyaspartamide (PAA) as product of amine grafted to polysuccinimide (PSI). Three types of PAA were prepared using ethylenediamine (EDA), 1, 3 propanediamine (PDA) and monoethanolamine (MEA) drafted to PSI to give PSI-EDA, PSI-PDA and PSI-MEA respectively. The CO2 adsorption capacity was 13.5 mg-CO2/g for PSI-PDA and 9.0 mg-CO2/g for PSI-MEA, which decreased significantly from PSI where the CO2 adsorption capacity was 25 mg-CO2/g. PSIEDA was selected as PAA, because the CO2 adsorption capacity was 52 mg-CO2/g which doubled from PSI. The polymer polyethylenimine (PEI), the most commonly polymer used in CO2 capture, was found to be non-biodegradable, while the polymer PAA showed the presence of CONH as a biodegradable bond functionality, occurring in the MWNT-PAA, as confirmed through Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis. The adsorbent MWNT-PAA was demonstrated to have a water tolerance in the temperature range 25-55 ℃, where CO2 adsorption capacity increased with the increase of water in the adsorbent. The highest CO2 adsorption capacity recorded was 71 mg-CO2/g for the moist MWNT-PAA using 100% CO2 and 65 mg-CO2/g for the mixture of 14% CO2 with air. Under the same conditions, the dry MWNT-PAA adsorbed 70 and 46 mg-CO2/g respectively (100%, 14% CO2). The 2 regenerability efficiency of the MWNT-PAA absorbent was demonstrated at 100 ᵒC; after 10 cycles of adsorption-desorption 99% of adsorbed gas was recovered in the desorption process. The heat flow for the thermal swing adsorption system resulted in the net release of heat over the complete cycle; a cycle includes adsorption (heat release) and desorption (heat absorbance). Thus, this MWNT-PAA adsorbent demonstrates an advantage in terms of overall energy efficiency, and could be a competitive adsorbent in CO2 capture technology.Item Improvement of alumina mechanical and electrical properties using multi-walled carbon nanotubes and titanium carbide as a secondary phase(2013-10-04) Nyembe, Sanele GoodenoughThe objective of this research was to improve alumina (Al2O3) mechanical and electrical properties by reinforcement using multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and titanium carbide (TiC). The objective of the study was achieved with interesting and challenging difficulties along the way. The MWCNTs were initially coated with boron nitride (hBN) in order to improve the Alumina-CNTs interface which was previously discovered to be weak and also to protect them from reacting with Al2O3 during sintering. The coating of CNTs with hBN was done using nitridation method. This method was unsuccessful since it was not possible to coat each CNT individually. Dispersing hBN coated CNTs proved to be impossible without pealing the off the hBN coating. The “flaking off “of the hBN coating from the CNTs revealed that the CNT-hBN interface was weak; therefore uncoated CNTs were used for this study. The starting powders (Al2O3, TiC and CNTs) were individually dispersed before they were mixed together. TiC and Al2O3 were dispersed using an ultrasonic probe which was done successfully. The CNTs were dispersed by an ultrasonic probe and then attritor milled with the use of polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP) as a dispersant. The dispersed Al2O3 and TiC (30 wt%) powders were mixed in a planetary ball mill. The composite powder was sieved and sintered using SPS with temperature and pressure programmed to be 1700˚C, 35MPa respectively. In making the Al2O3+CNT composite powder, the already dispersed Al2O3 and CNTs (1 wt%) were mixed in a planetary ball mill, after sieving the powder it was sintered using SPS at 1600˚C, 35MPa (programmed conditions). Lastly in making the Al2O3+CNT+TiC composite, the already dispersed TiC, CNTs and Al2O3 were all mixed in a planetary ball mill, after sieving it was sintered using SPS at 1650˚C, 35MPa (programmed conditions). For comparison of properties, dispersed monolithic Al2O3 was also sintered using SPS at 1600˚C, 35 MPa. The density results showed that the monolithic Al2O3 was 99.8% dense, , Al2O3+CNTs was 99.4%, Al2O3+TiC+CNTs was 99.2% and Al2O3+TiC sample was 99.0%. The mechanical properties of the samples were measured using the indentation method. The hardness and fracture toughness of the samples were; Al2O3= 3.3MPa√m (17 GPa), Al2O3+CNTs = 4.2MPa√m (18 GPa), Al2O3+TiC = 4.8 MPa√m (23 GPa) and Al2O3+TiC+CNT= 5.0 MPa√m (23 GPa). The electrical properties showed that incorporating CNTs and TiC into Al2O3 improved Al2O3 electrical conductivity. The measured electrical conductivity of the ceramic samples were; Al2O3 iii ≈ 0 Sm-1, Al2O3+CNTs= 30 S.m-1, Al2O3 +TiC + CNTs = 6855 S.m-1 and Al2O3+TiC = 9664 S.m-1. The CNTs improved Al2O3 mechanical properties slightly inhibiting grain growth by pinning the grain boundary movement and also by crack bridging. The Al2O3 electrical conductivity was increased by the CNTs network that was located along the alumina grain boundaries. The TiC improved Al2O3 mechanical properties slightly inhibiting grain growth and through crack deflection mechanism. The addition of TiC into Al2O3 increased the electrical conductivity by serving as a conducting continuous secondary phase. The results show that the CNT-hBN interface is weak. The addition of CNTs and TiC into monolithic Al2O3 slightly improved its mechanical and electrical properties but it density was slightly compromised. CNTs and TiC slightly improved monolithic alumina hardness by in inhibiting Al2O3 grain growth and the fracture toughness through crack deflection and crack bridging mechanisms. The CNTs network located at the Al2O3 grain boundaries not only aided in improving Al2O3 hardness but also served as transport medium for electrons hence increasing the Al2O3 electrical conductivity. Addition of TiC into Al2O3 increased its electrical conductivity by conducting electrons from one TiC grain to the adjacent grain. The large increase in electrical conductivity upon addition of TiC is due to the presence of a continuous TiC phase within Al203.