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Communities in WIReDSpace

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Recent Submissions

Fine structure of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance in 58Ni 90Zr 120Sn and 208Pb
(AMER PHYSICAL SOC) Armand Bahini; P von Neumann-Cosel; John Carter; Iyabo Usman; N.N. Arsenyev; A.P. Severyukhin; E. Litvinova; Philip Adsley; Natasha Botha; Mouftahou Latif; Thuthukile Khumalo; Pheladi Topsy Molema; Chane Moodley; Sunday Olorunfunmi; al et; Luna Pellegri; Elias Sideras-Haddad; Mathis Wiedeking
A new Late Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaur from the MidZambezi Basin Zimbabwe
(INST PALEOBIOLOGII PAN) Paul Barrett; Kimberley Chapelle; L Sciscio; T Broderick; Michel Zondo; D Munyikwa; Jonah Choiniere
On uniquely packable trees
(NATL INQUIRY SERVICES CENTRE PTY LTD) A Alochukwu; M Dorfling; Elizabeth Jonck
A metapopulation model with exit screening measure for the 20142016 West Africa Ebola virus outbreak
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC) Arsene Ouemba Tasse; B Tsanou; Jean Louis Woukeng; Mbaro-Saman Lubuma