HIV/AIDS workplace policy and programme implementation

Huma, Boitumelo
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South Africa is experiencing a high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate. This has a negative bearing on the development of the country and improvement of the lives of the citizens. A positive corporate response to HIV/AIDS is hailed as a positive step to curbing loss of skilled personnel due to ailments and deaths related to HIV/AIDS. However, there is no adequate information on the effectiveness of the implementation of an HIV/AIDS at the Workplace Programme, in terms of codes of good practice. The case study’s aim was to observe and analyse the processes followed in the development and implementation of the HIV/AIDS workplace policy and programme at an engineering company. Qualitative research was undertaken at an engineering company in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng Province, to investigate how the HIV/AIDS workplace policy/programme is being developed and implemented. Available guidelines such as the Employment Equity Act, No. 55 of 1998: Code of Good Practice on Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment, were used to guide the study. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed and administered by the researcher for in-depth interviews. The focus of the research was mainly to investigate the challenges that are being faced by the stakeholders in the process of policy development and implementation. The study finds that though the company’s HIV/AIDS policy reflects universal principles, workers are not in agreement among themselves, with regard to the support of the processes followed in the policy development, though all support the policy. The study also finds that there is not enough time given to the discussions on the policy, as production is primary for the profitability of the company. Furthermore, the study finds that the intervention that is currently employed is not adequate for effective implementation of the policy and programmes
HIV/AIDS in the workplace