Factors contributing to the uptake of workplace voluntary counselling and testing for HIV/AIDS in South Africa

Grisselle, Cheryl-Ann
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This research report determines the dimensions of perceived influencers of employees in a soft-drink manufacturing company, associated with workplace HIV/AIDS voluntary counseling and testing (VCT). The relationship between these dimensions and demographics are also considered. The study provides management suggestions on factors to be incorporated and considered for future VCT interventions. After having reviewed the literature relating to factors that support or encourage participation in Workplace HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counselling and Testing, as well as reviewing the research report by MBA student J.S. Mundy, certain factors seemed more influential than others. The purpose of this research was to test those factors that where previously identified, amongst others and to either substantiate or disprove the findings in order to increase the validity of generalising the findings to wider populations. The data for the study was collected by means of a self-completed questionnaire survey, similar although, not identical to the one created by J.S. Mundy. A total of sixty eight responses were completed and processed and the data was subject to statistical analysis. The main findings of the research suggest that the strongest influencer for workplace testing was the availability of and access to, anti-retroviral medication upon testing positive, followed by talks by people living with HIV/AIDS and confidentiality. These substantiate the findings as described by J.S. Mundy in her report, concluding that post-VCT benefits must be clearly detailed with accessibility to all staff and their families. In addition, the importance of counsellors using the home language of the employee was highlighted by an overwhelming number of respondents as important in the VCT process.
HIV/AIDS, Counselling in the workplace