Investigating the use of image theatre, as a method of facilitating dialogue in South African organisational teams

Dangazele, Nobulalu
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Abstract: Hierarchy and dependency cause lack of dialogue in team learning in South African organisations. The purpose of this research was to examine how Image Theatre can facilitate dialogue as an approach to team learning in selected workplaces. This was done through the use of Augusto Boal’s method of Image Theatre and Peter Senge’s Evolution of Dialogue. These ideas were implemented in workshops conducted in three organisations. This study advocates for the use of Image Theatre, highlighting the origins and ethos of this form of theatre, and the benefits of using it in organisations as a method of facilitating dialogue. However the misfit between a revolutionary ideology and a liberatory methodology within a capitalist setting is noted. Teams from three different size organizations where used as case studies, employing action research as a method. Through working with the participants, it has been established in this study that a trusting and democratic environment enhances dialogue and team learning, while lack of adequate time inhibits team learning. Attempts have been made to identify circumstances that enhance, and also militate against, dialogue and team learning in the working environment.