Auteurism in documentary filmmaking: the making of The Gagus: the Nigerian kitchen

Mpofu, Shepherd
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Abstract This thesis is a reflexive analysis of the documentary film, The Gagus: The Nigerian Kitchen with specific reference to auteurism in documentary filmmaking. The study centres on the auteur theory and other documentary film theories. This project is related to my personal experiences in making the documentary film. The theory is married to the process in order to reveal the filmmaker’s subjectivity in terms of putting the filmmaker’s signature on the film. The thesis also addresses issues related to ethical challenges that are encountered in the making of the documentary film. The shaping of the film and thesis is drawn from a vast source of material from authoritative figures, for example, inter alia, Bill Nichols, Stella Bruzzi, Alexandre Astruc, Jay Ruby, Carl Plantinga and Sarris Korchberg. The research concludes by way of looking and critiquing my approach in the making of the documentary film, finding out if I managed to mark the film with my subjective voice beyond my intentions. Lastly, the thesis looks at the extent to which I unconsciously shape the film and mediate the issues raised therein.