Beyond problem solving development initiatives for youth in Botswana: a youth development approach for risk reduction

Baker, Julia Johnson
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4 Abstract This study seeks to answer: What are the socio-cultural factors contributing, or not, towards positive youth development in HIV/AIDS initiatives in Botswana? It is operating under the assumption that what is missing from current interventions for HIV/AIDS is a focus on the socio-cultural factors that are contributing towards the spread of the epidemic, particularly amongst youth. The research aims to examine the socio-cultural environment of Botswana’s society by using the variables that have been isolated to contribute towards positive youth development in order to understand what is, or is not, contributing towards positive youth development in HIV/AIDS initiatives. In addition, the research will analyze the association of positive youth development indicators and reduced risk- taking behavior. As a result of the sample used, the research also hopes to gain information on the following: association between community setting (urban/rural) and positive youth development, association between gender and positive youth development, and an association between participatory development initiatives and positive youth development.