The effect of a perceptual motor programme on the drawing of a person by five year old New Zealand children

Kohne, Ingrid Catherine
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ABSTRACT This study investigated whether participation in the Smart Start with Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) over a six month period, by a group of 14 five year old New Zealand school children from a low socio-economic school in Rotorua, enhanced their drawings of a man, woman and self when compared to a control group of 14 children who did not participate in PMP. Their drawings were scored using the Draw A Person: A Quantitative Scoring System (DAP) by Naglieri. The data from this quasi-experimental research design was analysed using an analysis of covariance to compare the two groups. Scores of the drawing of Self were analysed separately from the Total scores (sum of the Man, Woman and Self scores). There was not a significant difference between the experimental and the control group. A number of confounding variables, including small sample size, number of PMP sessions and differences between groups, were likely to have influenced the results.
peceptual motor programme, drawing people, children