Investigation of the forces developed when using high-temperature superconductors with linear electric machines

Poeti, Leonardo
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Abstract The proposed research of investigating the interaction between high-temperature superconductors and linear motors is introduced. Background on levitated transportation, high-temperature superconductor applications and supercon- ductor theory is given. An analytical model is developed for calculating thrust and levitation forces produced by 3-phase windings on a pair bulk high- temperature superconductors. Results produced by this model for a spacing of 1 pole-pitch and 1 2 pole-pitch are presented. In order to verify the analytical model a prototype system is built from a linear motor primary and vehicles containing 2 rows of superconductors. Two vehicles are built with different spacing between the rows of superconductors in order to investigate the ef- fect of their positioning, with respect to the pole-pitch, on the thrust forces produced. Measured forces on these two vehicles are then compared with pre- dicted values showing that the model predicts the forces with less than 5% error. Problems with the analytical model are also discussed. Finally it is con- cluded that the model developed provides insight to the relationship between high-temperature superconductors and travelling magnetic waves, and that a 1 pole-pitch separation between superconductors produces higher forces. Rec- ommendations for further development of the prototype system are also given.
high-temperature superconductors, linear electric machines