Mine gas and coal dust explosions and methane outbursts - their causes and prevention.
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Flint, John Derek
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Ignitions of methane and coal dust have caused considerable loss
of life and damage to installations in South African collieries
during the past century. The phenomenon of methane outbursts
have also resulted in the creation of dangerous conditions
The dissertation examines the causes of methane outbursts and the
seven main ignition sources leading to methane and coal dust
explosions. These ignition sources were derived from an
examination of Mines Department inquiries extending back to 1891.
the date of the first known ignition of mine gas. Selected
incidents were chosen from the official Inquiries for each
ignition source and these are dealt with in detail. This
includes an investigation into the many factors which developed
prior to the individual explosions and the effects of the
aftermath such incidents.
Precautions to be adopted to prevent methane outbursts and
minimise the risk of methane and coal dust explosions as a result
of the seven ignition sources are detailed at the end of each chapter.
A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering.
Mine explosions -- Research -- South Africa., Mine fires -- Prevention and control -- Research., Gas bursts -- Research., Combustion, Spontaneous -- Control -- Research.