The association between learning styles and self-perceptions of workplace performance within South African organizations.

Bhoola, Bhavisha Amrat
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Individual learning style or the way in which individuals learn best and the factors affecting individual learning style have been studied widely in the context of academic performance. In this research study, a focus is placed on learning styles in the workplace and how it associates with self-perceived workplace performance effectiveness within the South African corporate context. Kolb’s Learning Style Theory has been used as the basis of investigation, using Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory and Performance Criteria to find possible associations between the two constructs using the statistical technique of inter-battery factor analysis. The impact of individual personality and perceived satisfaction on learning style and educational performance outcomes have been conducted before, but never looking at the direct underlying latent dimensionalities that associate learning style and performance within a South African and workplace context. Upon surveying employees, analysis of the results showed that a strong emergence of certain learning style dimensions and two new somewhat polarized dimensionalities associating learning style and workplace performance effectiveness emerge, with some minor shared items occurring between the two dimensions or factors as well. This research report will firstly discuss which of Kolb’s learning style dimensions prominently emerge and relate to workplace performance effectiveness. Secondly, it will discuss how the two newly emerging dimensions or associations show underlying contrast or overlap, and how the factors forming these dimensions are relevant and actually arise and interact within a dynamic work environment. Keywords and terms: Learning Style, Workplace Learning, Work Style, Work Satisfaction, Performance Effectiveness, Adult Learning, Kolb’s Experiential Learning Style Theory, Personality Traits, Inter-battery Factor Analysis.
Organizational learning -- South Africa. Adult learning -- South Africa. Employees -- Training of -- South Africa.