Early detection of hearing loss: exploring risk-based hearing screening within a developing country context

Kanji, Amisha
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Purpose: The main objective of the current study was to explore risk-based new-born hearing screening within a developing country by conducting early hearing detection in high-risk neonates within an academic hospital complex in Gauteng, South Africa. Specific objectives describing the case history factors and audio logical function in a group of high-risk determining the relationship between the case history factors and audio logical establishing the true-positive (TP) and true-negative (TN) results with different combinations of screening measures; establishing the percentage of TP and NT screening results in the total sample; and exploring the factors associated with follow-up return rate for hearing screening and diagnostic audio logical assessment.
A research thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Audiology in the Faculty of Humanities the University of the Witwatersrand March 2016.
Kanji, Amisha (2016) Early detection of hearing loss: exploring risk-based hearing screening within a developing country context, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/22321>