Managerial competencies of the clergy

Barker, David Ross
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This study investigated the managerial training needs of ordained ministers of the Methodist Church through the identification of managerial tasks that ministers perform and their current levels of proficiency in these areas. Managerial competencies were generated from the literature and from interviews with several bishops. The competencies were defined and used in the construction of questionnaires which were completed by ordained ministers and laity in two independent studies. The perceived importance and need. for training was determined for each competency. The training needs identified from the triangulated research design were found to be statistically similar. This study is important since it yielded several Significant findings which have practical applleadon, These include: * A logical framework for a. management course for probationer ministers was derived on the basis of a factor analysis of the importance rankings of the competercies, * Training needs which were identified were prioritised and form logical framework for a programme for in-service training. * Managerial competencies required of ministers were identified and prioritised which has provided a resource for a performance appraisal and needs analysis within the church. * It was established that ministers and laity perceive a very great. need for training in the managerial competencies.
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Business Administration, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management 1992