Performance art is an effective site for the exploration of a feminist discourse, the female psyche, and an explosive space in which to challenge the status quo
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Sarkin, Daniella
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This research report proposes that Performance Art is an effective site for
the exploration of feminist discourse and the female psyche, and an
explosive space in which to challenge the status quo. This paper uses the
Performance Art piece Naked on a Goat, choreographed by Robin Orlin,
to illustrate and examine this proposition. Performance Art as a genre
allows female Performance Artists the space to explore an alternate
discourse to that of mainstream culture. It is here that female artists are
able to express and confront their experiences, emotions and concepts
with regard to being "woman". This in turn then gives the space to
challenge specific issues within the status quo, whilst exploring their own
In this introduction:
• I will explore a definition for the medium Performana* Art
• I will explain why Robin Oriin's Naked on a Goat is used to examine
the above proposition.
• I will suggest how Naked on a Goat positions a feminist discourse
with a racial one in the context of South Africa today.
I will examine how the work broaches psychological themes that are
particular to the female psyche (in situations of inequality and