Implementation of Policy on Geographical Names Change in Mogale City

Molotsi, William Setempe
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South Africa has faced the challenge of policy implementation since the dawn of democracy. Other steps in the policy cycle are not as challenged as implementation. This study researched the implementation of policy on geographical names change using Mogale City as a case study. The aim was to understand and to examine the factors leading to challenges in the implementation of policy on geographical names change. Qualitative research methodology, with convenience sampling of participants for interviews were selected by the researcher as the appropriate methods for examining the implementation of this policy. Successful policy implementation depends on institutions that have welldefined roles with the necessary authority and capacity to carry out their mandate. These institutions should be resourced to manage daily activities. The study noted that lack of resources affect policy implementation. In addition, successful public policy implementation requires involvement of the communities especially the affected ones. The more the public is involved, the easier it is for the policies to be implemented without protests or any other form of disagreement which will affect policy implementation. Finally, the study found that implementation of policy on geographical names change is not implemented successfully. The study also found that this policy faces implementation challenges because it is left to chance. Lack of monitoring and evaluation processes, incapacity and a laissezfaire attitude of some government institutions responsible for implementing this policy are some of the factors responsible for the state of implementation of this policy. The study further found that politics dominate the implementation of this policy; in some instances this leads to the prescribed procedures for geographical names change being i disregarded, thus affecting successful implementation of the policy. These and other findings are presented in chapter four, analyzed in detail in chapter five and recommendations are given in chapter six.
MM thesis - P&DM
Place name changes, South Africa, Geographical name changes, South Africa