Mhlongo, Chucheka Ben2011-05-172011-05-172011-05-17 - P&DMMunicipalities have pressures to improve organisational performance and maximise goal achievement with the benefits being improved service delivery and development of local communities. Aligning employee performance plans with organisational goals channels employee efforts towards organisational goals, and the organisation is more likely to achieve its goals. Equally important, increasing levels of employee involvement in deciding how work gets done is more likely to improve achievement of organisational goals. Managers should accordingly use performance appraisal process to set individual goals that are aligned to organisational goals. This research study set out to examine and analyse the alignment of managers goals to the goals and objectives of the City. The study involved a sample of seventeen senior managers of the City of Tshwane. Data was gathered using questionnaires and interviews. This research report indicates a few major findings: The City of Tshwane has a partial approach to performance management, giving the impression that it has been ,tacked on to the main corporate management processes of the municipality. The importance of aligning employee performance plans to organisational goals to improve goal achievement. In the case of the City of Tshwane, there is no clear performance management framework to guide the cascading of organisational goals down to departments and individual employees to ensure both horizontal and vertical consistency of goal setting The purpose of the Cities performance management system is mainly an aid to setting of performance objectives, assessing past performance and to help improve current performance.enLocal authoritiesAlignment of Managers Goals to the Goals and Objectives of the CityThesis