Fairlie, LSipambo, NFick, Cet al2015-06-012015-06-012014-12Fairlie, L., Sipambo, N., Fick, C., et al. 2014. Focus on adolescents with HIV and AIDS. SAMJ;104(12):897http://hdl.handle.net/10539/17931KMAdolescents living with HIV, including those infected perinatally and non-perinatally, bear a disproportionate burden of the HIV epidemic in South Africa. This article discusses HIV management in adolescents including the following aspects: (i) burden of HIV disease, modes of HIV acquisition and implications for management; (ii) initiation of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), outcomes and complications of ART in adolescents,including virological failure and switching regimens; (iii) adherence in adolescence, including factors that may contribute to poor adherence and advice to improve adherence; (iv) issues particular to adolescents, including sexual and reproductive health needs, disclosure to adolescents and by adolescents, and transition to adult care. This article aims to provide insights based on the literature and experience to assist the clinician to navigate the difficulties of managing HIV in adolescence and achieving successful transition to adult care.enAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeHIVAdolescentFocus on adolescents with HIV and AIDSArticle