Reetsang, Willie2011-06-092011-06-092011-06-09 - P&DMThe birth of multi party democracy in 1994 brought about hope and an enabling environment to develop policies that will concretise the transformation process. The 1996 white paper was direct resultant of the Arts and Culture Task Group ACTAG process, which sought to articulate the new vision and in more realistic terms attempted to create structures for funding, management and recognition of the arts in a democratic South Africa, this was a major shift from the previous socio political arrangement. The study has explored the policy processes shifts and their implications against the key policy objectives. It has done this through policy documentation and from personal experience as an active practitioner in the sector. The research has found out that there has been policy shifts since 1994, particularly in relation to policy development. It noted policies and initiatives developed from the white paper included, among others, the Cultural Industries Strategy 1998, Music Industry Task Team report 1998 and 2000, Moshito 2005 and 2006. However the study has also found out that there are still policy gaps, this is over and above the slow pace of implementation of existing policies. The policy gaps include the following areas Lack of socio economic security for music creators and performers. Tax and labour definition of arts workers Industry fragmentation Domination of South African recording industry by foreign majors Large consumption of foreign repertoire that results in import export deficit Limited research and data compilation which in turn hinders planning in the industryenMusic industryPolicy processesPOLICY SHIFTSThesis