Andrew, DavidBarry, Hedwig2020-07-082020-07-082020-07What does it mean to engage in artistic research over a period of a one-year Master of Arts in Fine Arts (MAFA) project? In this discussion, a student (Barry) and supervisor (Andrew) reflected on this digressionary trajectory from the vantage point of the Global South. does it mean to engage in artistic research over a period of a one-year Master of Arts in Fine Arts (MAFA) project? In this discussion, a student (Barry) and supervisor (Andrew) reflected on this digressionary trajectory from the vantage point of the Global South.What does it mean to engage in artistic research over a period of a one-year Master of Arts in Fine Arts (MAFA) project? In this discussion, a student (Barry) and supervisor (Andrew) reflected on this digressionary trajectory from the vantage point of the Global South.enLicensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. Copyright of texts: the authors, performers, and panellists Copyright of images: the authors, artists, performers, and panellistsartistic research, arts research, decolonisation, arts pedagogy,Practices, Pedagogies, and Desires: Untethering ResearchArticle