Buthelezi, Sabelo2011-04-182011-04-182011-04-18http://hdl.handle.net/10539/9502MM - P&DMEmployer commitment to training is critical in improving the low skills of the South African workforce. The Skills Development Act of 1998 was introduced to regulate such training in the workplace. The Skills Development Levies Act was aimed at adding financial muscle via grants that will be paid by SETAs to companies that train their workers. Instruments such as the Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports were developed to plan and report on training that takes place within the organisation. These interventions were meant to contribute to reducing skills shortages, and improving productivity and competitiveness in the workplace. The purpose of this study was to analyse the Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports of the manufacturing sector in Mpumalanga, to find out how they are being used by employers and the SETA. The analysis points to a different interpretation and understanding by the companies and the SETA. It further points to the minimal contribution that WSPs and ATRs make towards defining sector priorities. Small companies are finding it difficult to participate in the process of workplace training and therefore need specific interventions to address their problemsenSkills planningWorkplace skill developmentWorkplace Skills Planning In theThesis