Pillay, Koogandhreen Cooppan2011-05-052011-05-052011-05-05http://hdl.handle.net/10539/9639MBA - WBSThe objectives of this study were to investigate the branding strategies of Sasol and its subsidiaries, as the organization expanded internationally, and to make recommendations to Sasol for improving their branding strategies. The method of research used in this study was the case study technique, as its unique strength is its ability to deal with a full variety of evidence – documents, artefacts, interviews, and observation. The population researched comprised senior business leaders and executives from the different business units within Sasol’s management team, as well as Sasol’s corporate strategy department. The sample size used in the research was 10. In depth interviews, using a questionnaire, were conducted as the method of collecting data. The method that was used to analyse the data obtained from the interviews was content analysis, which measures the semantic content on the “what” aspect of a message. (i) The key findings were : 1. Brand equity provides value to Sasol by enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of marketing programs, brand loyalty, prices / margins, brand extensions, trade leverage and competitive advantage. 2. Brand equity provides value to Sasol customers by enhancing customers’ interpretation / processing of information, confidence in the purchase decision and use satisfaction. 3. Both product branding and corporate branding are of strategic value to Sasol as they impact on productivity through enhancing communication effectiveness. In this way, both contribute to Sasol’s overall growth and globalization success. Recommendations were made for the company’s future branding strategiesenBrandingMarketingPetrol companiesSasolBRANDING: A GLOBAL GROWTH STRATEGYThesis